When Paul, an ordinary Lithuanian-American immigrant living in the Chicago suburbs, receives a mysterious letter written in broken English, long buried family secrets threaten to blow up his carefully crafted life. Together with Galya, a Latvian-Israeli history student, Paul embarks on a dangerous search for a priceless artifact last seen in Lithuania in the hands of his grandfather. On the run from Russian mobsters, an ancient cult of assassins, Mossad agents, and shadows from the past, Paul and Galya explore ancient cities in Europe and the Middle East, tracking the centuries-old story of the famous Lithuanian rabbi known as the Vilna Gaon, and unraveling his secret symbols that send them on a race against time in a breathtaking adventure.
Set in the present day, with historical flashbacks, the fast-paced storyline of THE GAON CODE is centered around the secrets of the 18th century rabbi's mystical code to predict future events. While this is a work of fiction, the Vilna Gaon is a real figure, and the historical events brought to life in the flashbacks are true.
About the author:
Rytis Sabas is a Lithuanian author and journalist, who worked in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as a marketing/communications professional. He published two bestselling thrillers in Lithuania, The Gaon Code and its sequel, The Tail Of The Dragon, co-hosted The Gaon Code podcast on Lithuanian National Radio and Television.
When The Gaon Code was published in Lithuania in 2020 it became an instant bestseller, drawing ecstatic comparisons to the work of Dan Brown. It was on the bestseller list for 20 weeks, went back for reprinting 5 times, and is currently in development for an international TV miniseries, to be released in 2025. It was awarded the prestigious national Vytautas Gedgaudas award in 2020.