"Tales of Wisdom" serves as the culmination of "The Game of Alchemy" series. Each story is a reflection of my life experiences, with every character having a counterpart in reality. Throughout various stages of my life, I have embodied many roles: the Christmas tree, the sage, the hunter, the snake, the son of the Universe, the man who wanted to foresee the future, the pirate, the man who couldn't say "No", the lion-donkey, the man before God, the bumblebee, the alchemist, the alcoholic, the rich child, the poor child, and other characters. And if I have lived as the characters, perhaps you have too. The story of one Man is the story of all Men!
"Tales of Wisdom" transcends age boundaries and is accessible to everyone. The tales can be enjoyed in any sequence, as each story stands alone-independent and unlinked-allowing readers the freedom to embark on their journey in whichever order they choose.
The deliberate choice to feature exactly 34 tales is deeply personal; both the number itself and the sum of its digits hold special significance for me.
Now, I will leave you with some quotes from the tales, hoping they resonate with you as they have with me:
"And with its final earthly breath, it whispered, 'Don't pity the dead, my child. Pity those who still breathe but have forgotten how to truly live.'" - The Christmas Tree
"I asked God to fill my arms with the bounty of life's pleasures. God said, 'No. I gift you not with objects of fleeting delight, but with the sacred breath of life itself. Through it, you possess the key to unlock all the treasures of the universe and to find joy in all creation, seen and unseen.'" - God Always Answers
"I save and release you from all pain, but not before you have felt it. Pain is the teacher of the most profound lessons. It carves canyons of compassion in a warrior's heart." - A Dialogue between God and the Devil
"Solitude is the artist's muse and the philosopher's mentor. In its embrace, creativity is unleashed and ideas are born. It offers a mirror, unclouded by the breath of societal norms, reflecting the raw, unadorned self. Such a mirror does not distort; it reveals-showing us who we are when the stage is empty and the audience is gone." - The Wiseman and Solitude
"The earth, the vines, and the grapes, like everything in life, require more than just sun and water. They thrive on love, harmony, and balance." - The Secret Ingredient
"Obsession," he continued, "is akin to a voracious weed in the garden of the mind. It claims dominion over your thoughts and actions, whispering, 'All that you are now belongs to me.' Like an unwelcome shadow, it keeps you imprisoned, haunting you with relentless negative thoughts. In its grip, you are rendered incapable of taking risks or venturing forth, for it plants within you one of humanity's deepest fears: the fear of failure." - The Path to Patience
"Fortunate are those who use their eyes not just to behold the visible but to discern the invisible. For there are men without sight who perceive far more than those blessed with vision. Some may read a book and see only a tale of adventure, while others immerse themselves in its pages and experience a thousand lives." - Mona Lisa's Confessions
"Many claim, 'I am loyal, ' yet at the slightest whisper of temptation or sweet word, they forsake all their promises, vows, and solemn pledges. Real loyalty is proven, not declared. Loyalty, akin to self-respect, is a choice that must be made each day. Only those who withstand the allure of temptation and choose to stand unwaveringly beside their chosen love truly embody loyalty's esteemed mantle." - The Wiseman and Self-Love