About the Book
The book Gaia's Own: Every Child's Guide To Living In Harmony With Nature shares concerns about the current environmental issues plaguing Earth in a casual, personal, and wholesome way. It shares information on what is being done to alleviate these problems and fresh perspectives on what needs to be done further to completely course-correct and maintain the balance in Nature for a harmonious existence.
The children are the future. And the wisdom they gain today will guide them in their choices tomorrow. This book aims to raise the awareness in each child of how they may contribute in the future to finding better solutions, to make this world a better, happier place. It hopes to instill respect for the natural world and keep their innate sense of wonder alive. The book has 10 chapters, each approaching the issue of climate change from a different perspective and presenting related examples and real-life scenarios. At the end of each chapter, action steps and points to ponder are provided as Gateways to Gaia. And to a deeper connection with Nature.
Gaia's Own: Every Child's Guide To Living In Harmony With Nature is contemporary artist Dharshana Bajaj's first book. This is a creative non-fiction that, via an exchange of emails between a young girl and her itinerant grandfather, introduces various concepts on the theme of Nature and climate change.
While the tweenager Satvika, or Satvi, presents the questions and concerns, the older and wiser character in the book, Grandpa Yogesh, reminds readers of things long forgotten, and offers solutions that could yet save the day.
The following is an excerpt from an email sent by Grandpa Yogesh:
"The ancient peoples everywhere understood the importance of Nature. The Chinese called the way of the universe The Tao, and the Greeks called her Gaia, or Mother Earth, the bountiful one, full of unconditional love. And it's not just our ancestors. Several people even today vouch for this interrelationship between all things in our universe. In 1970, two scientists, James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, put forward the Gaia Theory, which states that this entire planet is one living organism.
Earth is not just a large rock spinning around the Sun. It is a living system, and we are a part of it. However, now we have become estranged from this "system". Most of our problems have arisen because mankind has been making decisions from this position of disconnection, by following the mind instead of the heart. Therefore, now a basic reset is called for, a shift in consciousness from seeing one's self as being just "li'l ol' me" to what one truly is - a unique and significant part of this living, breathing organism called Earth."
This book is for everyone but is primarily written for preteens and older children. It aims to share insights, both old and new, about the interdependence between mankind and the natural world. The Foreword has been written by Mr. Pushpanath Krishnamurthy, a climate change/environment activist.What the readers say:
"A model of the kind of optimistic and caring conversations we need more of!"
Bill McKibben, environmentalist and author, We Are Better Together "We appreciate it very much...It conveys the kind of spirit shared by many Greenpeace supporters."
Greenpeace International "Dharshana has created a sensitive and timely book that not only introduces young people to the urgent environmental questions of the day, but also opens up the conversation in a way that allows them to make their own decisions and discoveries. Beautifully put together."
Parvathi Nayar, artist and writer who works with Water, space and urban memory