This semiannual journal provides research and analysis to promote effective policies and programs for children
Contents include:
-What Is the Problem? The Challenge of Providing Effective Teachers for All Children, Richard Murnane and Jennifer Steele
- The Effect of Certification and Preparation on Teacher Quality, Donald Boyd, Daniel Goldhaber, Hamilton Lankford, and James Wyckoff
- Teacher Wages and Working Conditions, Eric Hanushek and Steven Rivkin
-Using Performance-Based Pay to Improve the Quality of Teachers, Victor Lavy
- Learning in the Teaching Workforce, Heather Hill
- The Challenges of Staffing Urban Schools, Brian Jacob
- Recruiting and Retaining Quality Teachers in Rural Areas, David Monk
- Teacher Unions and Student Performance: Help or Hindrance, Randall Eberts
- Teacher Labor Markets in Developed Countries, Helen (Sunny) Ladd
- Teacher Labor Markets in Developing Countries, Emiliana Vegas