"Electric machines" and "Transformers" are some of the most challenging electrical engineering courses offered to students. Its complexity arises from numerous prerequisites, a wide array of topics, and a combination of physics and mathematics, presenting students with significant challenges.
Fundamentals of Power System Transformers acts as a stepping stone towards a deeper comprehension of the subject matter, resembling the content covered in a graduate-level course. The contents are condensed into two full chapters and four short chapters to provide a self-taught and self-sufficient book for students to solve all problems without the need for a computer.
Key features include:
- A variety of tests to prepare for entrance or employment exams
- Comprehensive coverage of transformers analysis, control, and protection
- Numerous problems and solutions with varying degrees of difficulty
- Problems that can be solved solely using a calculator, without dependence on any computer-based software.
- Two-choice questions to reinforce readers' understanding of transformers concepts
- Explores not yet covered subjects including multi-winding auto-transformers, three-phase zigzag transformers, asymmetric and unbalanced three-phase transformers, special transformers, transformer control, and ...
This book is aimed at graduate students taking classes in electrical engineering and serves as a valuable reference for researchers and industry professionals interested in emerging technologies and innovations in power system transformers.