In the current market scenario, packaging provides the most important first point of contact by which a company presents its products to consumers. Though packaging has to perform functions such as product protection and preservation, it is now being accepted as a value addition process.
This compact textbook is designed primarily for the undergraduate students of printing technology and mechanical engineering. The text introduces the concepts and techniques relevant to packaging of industrial, pharmaceutical and food products. It covers the package design concepts with emphasis on graphics and colours, as innovation in packaging is taking place at a rapid pace due to the competition among brands for shelf appeal and space. Besides, it also discusses importance of glass as a packaging material, label types and their design, bulk packaging and test procedures on package to evaluate its worthiness in distribution and storage.
In the second edition, the book has been updated wherever necessary. Chapter 7 on “Plastics and Speciality Packaging” has been completely overhauled and split to introduce a new chapter on “Package Finishing and Security (Chapter 8). Thus, in contrast to eight chapters of the previous edition, the book now comprises total nine chapters.
Besides undergraduate students, this book will also be useful for diploma students of packaging, researchers and professionals in printing and packaging field.
Key Features
• A Case Study lends a practical orientation towards the subject of study.
• Review questions, arranged in a graded manner, sharpen the analytical skills of the students.
• Solved problems reinforce the understanding of the subject.
About the Author
S. NATARAJAN, Ph.D., is former Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. With more than three decades of teaching experience, he has published/presented several articles/papers in national and international journals and conferences. A fellow member of Institution of Engineers and a member of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineers, Professor Natarajan is the co-author of three books: Engineering Ethics; Principles of ManagementandProfessional Ethics and Human Values (all published by PHI Learning).|M. GOVINDARAJAN, Ph.D., former Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai possesses more than three decades of teaching experience. He has published/presented several articles/papers in national and international journals and conferences. Dr. Govindarajan is the author of four books:Engineering Ethics; Principles of Management; Marketing Management: Concepts, Cases, Challenges and Trends, 2nd ed. andProfessional Ethics and Human Values (all published by PHI Learning).|B. KUMAR, Ph.D., is Professor, Department of Printing Technology, Anna University, Chennai. The Vice President of Printing Technological Forum, Dr. Kumar has over 25 years of teaching experience. He has published/presented articles/papers in national and international journals and conferences.
Table of Contents:
1. Overview of Packaging
2. Package Design
3. Paper and Paper Boards
4. Metal Packaging
5. Glass Packaging
6. Wooden Containers
7. Plastics and Speciality Package
8. Package Testing
9. Package Finishing and Security
Case Study • Standard for Packaging Material and Package Testing
Packaging Timeline
Glossary • Bibliography • Index