About the Book
Are Your Kids Always Bored During Christmas Vacation?
Grab this book for them as a stocking stuffer and let them have fun playing the games.
Instructions For Hangman
This is a game for two players, a host, and a guesser.
The host chooses a word or short phrase and the guesser must guess it before the unfortunate character is 'hanged'
We give you 24 letter spaces. The host should blackout the unneeded spaces, leaving the correct number for their word. If they choose a phrase, they should also black out the spaces between the words of the phrase.
The guesser begins to guess letters. For example, they may ask "Is there an A in this word?"
If that letter is in the word, the host writes in all the places it appears.
If that letter does not appear, the host fills out a dotted line on the hangman diagram.
At any point, the guesser may guess the word. If they are incorrect, another line is filled out on the hangman.
If the hangman is completed (which takes six missed guesses), the guesser has lost.
If the guesser guesses the word correctly before the hangman is completed, they win.
Variation - if you're playing with children who might need more guesses, they can also draw a sad face on the hangman.
A great way to niche hangman is by adding themed word lists at the back of the book for the host to choose from. For example, animal words, technical jargon or words in a different language.
Hangman is a popular game to play in school because it helps kids to practice spelling.
Instructions: For Tic Tac Toe
This is a game for two players.
One player chooses X and one chooses O
Each player takes it in turns to place their mark (X or O) in the 3x3 grid.
The winner is the first player to get three in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
The game is tied if the board is filled without either player scoring a full row of three.
Instructions For Sudoku:
Sudoku is a number placing puzzle based on a 9X9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column, and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.
82 Pages
Glossy Paperback Cover