Young children can't help but enjoy these dramatic characters made from parts and pieces of fruits and vegetables designed to help little ones explore feelings and emotions. Watch children react when the characters respond to everyday discoveries and experiences with silly interjections, animated expressions, and quick rhymes. Capture their attention by reading with dramatic looks and exaggerated tones. Invite them to interact, read social cues, empathize, and mimic faces. What a healthy recipe for self-expression!
While modeling behavior, ask open-ended questions that motivate older children to observe, examine, and reason. What do you notice? What happened? What if this happened to you? How would you feel? How can you make a face like that?
Whether you're a fruit and veggie enthusiast, or simply a lover of whimsy, this book promises to leave you looking for hidden faces and the meaning behind them everywhere you go!
Researchers at the University of Cambridge in England say that when we make eye contact with a baby, we synchronize our brainwaves to theirs. This synchronicity, in turn, promotes both learning and communication skills. Growth and development in the early years can be advanced significantly by engaging young children (birth through preschool) in creative physical and verbally playful interactions. It's important to stimulate their senses every day.
Foundation/Domain: Social-Emotional Development
28 pages 10" H x 8" W Available in English and Spanish
Introduce these unique fruit and vegetable characters in a variety of ways:
- Explore feelings and emotions
- Establish an emotional connection with a shared communicative experience
- Recognize facial features: eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears, mouth, tongue, etc.
- Read and mimic facial expressions
- React to facial and verbal cues
- Imitate verbal responses
- Identify fruits and vegetables
- Name colors
- Count parts and pieces
- Use descriptive words
- Explore positions in space
- Plate food in a visually appealing manner
- Furthers socio-emotional development: self-expression, understanding displays of emotions, empathy, mimicking facial expressions, and interaction with the reader.
- Exposes children to a variety of fruits and vegetables.
- Encourages the creative and appealing presentation of food for dining.
- Provides an opportunity to explore positions in space: over, under, on top of, below, etc.
- Promotes the use of descriptive STEM language: wider, longer, taller, smaller, thinner, etc.
- Supports experimentation with age-appropriate kitchen tools for preparation: utensils, peeler, knife, zester, magnifying glass, hand juicer, ruler, etc.
This book is printed on demand. Please flip through at least one of the books you receive and contact the publisher directly as soon as possible if you have any quality concerns.
Bulk Orders: This title is available in bulk directly from the publisher for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm-to-table, STEM initiatives, and anti-obesity. Contact the publisher directly for quotes, orders, and discounted pricing.