RECOMMENDED FOR MEDIUM TO ADVANCED COLORISTS Relax and unleash your creativity with this collection of 16 snowflake-inspired geometric designs- start with relatively simple individual snowflake shapes and then progress to the various increasingly complex patterns and designs created with them. Each design is presented on both white and black backgrounds for a total of 32 colorable pages. Please note that this design collection was self-published through CreateSpace (this is my second collection and still working on a tight budget), so I did not have control of the weight of paper, or the ability to print with perforated pages, etc. This is why each design is printed single-sided to help prevent color bleed if using markers, and there is a dotted line/guide for cutting designs out on the reverse of each page.
Thank you so much for your interest in this collection of beautiful geometric designs! I personally believe that coloring books are a unique form of collaborative art. An artist (such as myself) creates the framework, and then other artists (you!) fill them with colors to complete them, resulting in potentially endless versions of each design. I am so excited to be a part of this artistic process and I hope you post pictures of some of your favorite finished pieces! Have fun and enjoy!
-Dawn McAndrew
About the Author: I have loved to draw and doodle ever since I first picked up a pencil as a child. Over the years I've learned to use many types of media to create- pencil, pen, charcoal, clay, paint, beads and metals, words, computers, etc.. I am an artist, a writer, an animal-lover, a gamer, and a bit of a geek as well. I have spent most of my adult life working in somewhat "traditional" career fields (waitress, soldier/intelligence analyst, defense contractor, realtor) trying to make ends meet and always feeling as if something was missing.
As much as I tried to ignore my need to create and my need to help better the lives of animals, I finally realized that I only felt truly fulfilled when I found a way to integrate them into my life. Now I am focused on my art, writing, gaming, and spending time with my family when I am not working with animals.