When an auto accident left David D. Visser a paraplegic, he struggled to live on welfare, then found himself without even that basic income. He turned to his belief in God rather than give up. From Welfare to God's Care is his success story.
Visser's faith inspired him to turn to God for strength in life's work, problems, and relationships. He found that he had worth and, led by his faith, discovered the skills that enabled him to successfully run several businesses.
"It does not mean we are free from the difficulties of life, but during the difficulties God will provide a way out," Visser says.
Visser writes about how, after the accident, he designed a house. That led to opportunities to design other houses and a career doing accounting for builders in the community. He goes into detail about the businesses he helped run and how he continued believing in Christ, which he credits for his success. His hope is that From Welfare to God's Care shows how God can make a difference in a person's life.
"To be religious is one thing, but trusting God is another," Visser says. "It is a guide to trust God no matter what the circumstances are."
About the Author: David D. Visser's grandparents came from the Netherlands to America in 1900. He grew up with a father who didn't care much about education but did teach Visser and his brother how to work, take responsibility, and make good decisions. That desire to do good work and a faith in God gave Visser the power to be successful.
He and his partner believed in their employees, their subcontractors, and their faith as they designed and built homes. Visser took the remaining $6,500 from his settlement after an auto accident to invest in a house. He designed the house and went on to design more after his brother-in-law saw his work and asked him to do another. When accounting got slow, the home-building business gave him an alternative. Now retired from business, he is telling his life story as a testimony to Christ.