About the Book
FREE KINDLE W/ BOOK PURCHASE COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S POEMS: The Revolutionary War; Women of Influence; The Bible: Book of Genesis; 1st-7th Centuries AD: Fall of the Roman Empire-Attila the Hun; Reflections: A Spiritual Awakening; Children's Mystical Tales The English language comes to life as students embark upon the magical journey of historical adventures. Students will enjoy the creative, fast-paced momentum in which history comes alive. This long-awaited retelling of our nation's historical beginnings has come with all eyes upon us. These historical retellings promise to capture students' attention & add to their joy of learning through fun and fantasy.The varied cast of historical characters is certain to excite the imagination as students continue to learn about our country's beginnings through rhythm & rhyme. As students learn & grow, so does the written word, still expressed in rhythmic fashion to instill the joy of experiencing something new. A collection of poems awaits students-fostering good, wholesome American values from The Revolutionary War to Women of the Revolution: Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, "Molly Pitcher", Phillis Wheatley; Women of the Civil War: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman and the State of the Union in the 1800s: Spread of Slavery; Abolitionists; Indian Removal & Repercussions; Causes of the Civil War; Election of Lincoln; & Women of Today: Mother Teresa, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton. Reflections: A Spiritual Awakening follows: *Life with My Brother, *In the Church Where Mass Is Offered, *Glasses for the Masses, *A List to Live By: Do You Remember? *I Dreamed a Dream for You, *My Prayer for You, *A Christmas Dream, *Prayer for Love and Peace, *Sunday Afternoon in the Park, *As We Face the Dawn, *Evening Stars, *The Touch of Music, *The World from My Oyster, *Reflections of a Life Passing By, *Success for Everyone;*If Only...*Manhattan Skies: 9/11 Memorials. LEAP INTO ADVENTURE through Children's Mystical Tales: Hop aboard the Bionic Lily Pad. Leap into the world of sheer fantasy & great adventure as the two bionic brothers encounter one silly adventure after the next. Children will enjoy the creative ways the Brothers Bionic & friends solve problems they face as they continue their journey. Parents can look forward to fun & frolic as they teach their children through rhyme & repetition of vowel sounds-the building blocks of learning to read. As parents read with their little tots, they venture into learning communities of new friends they meet along their journey: Bionic Mr. Frog Travels to Italy, Mt. Rushmore, & more in South Dakota. Twenty-six short & long-vowel poems add to children's learning adventures through fun & fantasy. The cast of characters is sure to excite the imagination as children learn through hearing the sounds of language, not realizing they have entered the magical world of learning to read. Story characters presented in these 26 poems help their friends stay out of mischief & save the day. Short Vowel Poems: Short a: *Aunt Ann Is Afraid of Ants; Short e: *In Honor of Our Veterans, *Edgar and Edward Are Identical Twins, *Get Out of Bed You Sleepy Head; Short i: *Iggy Is the Victim of the Big Itch, *The Pitch That Kit Missed, *Kids; Short o: *Otto the Octopus; *The Fronds in the Pond; Short u: *Suzy Is a Runner, *Sunday Brunch. Long & Mixed Vowel Poems: Long a: *Amy Is an Angel; Long e: *Egor and Enid Are Elephants; Long i: *Ivan Likes to Fly His Kite; Long o & Sound ur: *Bingo Is a Burro; Long u & Sound or: *Ulyssis Is a Unicorn; Sound ow & Long y: *Do We Know Why?; Sound ee: *Pee-Wee Pete; Sound oo: *Suzy the Mongoose; Sound ar & er: *My Mother the Car; Vowel "y" & Mixed: *My Mommy Loves Me So, Sound ie: *My Make-Believe Friend, Max the Cat; Mixed: *PAPA G; Sound er & Mixed: *Shopping with My Brother; Mixed: *Golf; Sound ay and Mixed: *Moving Day. Learning is filled with fun, excitement, & new adventures for all to share. With Love to All Our Families,
About the Author: Born of Italian descent from both parents with my mom's father who was a professor in Italy, teaching runs deep through the blood. From birth, my mother would walk with me in the stroller, singing & reciting nursery rhymes, reading to me. I entered school at the age of four because from all outward appearances, I was reading. Little did anyone know that song, repetition, rhythm, and rhyme had already paved the way into what was to become, for me, a lifetime of teaching and learning. At the age of six, I was reading to my newborn brother; when I was nine, I held Summer School classes for neighborhood children. After entering teaching, I began changing the structure & ambience of the classroom, sometimes daily. Classroom seating changed: Students never knew which seating arrangement would present itself when they arrived at school the following day-from circles to u-shape to partial rows, to table formations. Learning materials & methodologies changed weekly. Students' work was corrected & comments were written each evening. They loved the individual attention. Stickers were great motivators. Students-even Middle School students-were pushed to greater heights by sticker collections as they chose their favorites & created their own sticker-reward books. Each student's learning needs, style of learning, & success became my focal point. The belief that every child can learn, I still embody. Their success was my success. I would supplement the learning programs, incorporating technology, increasing time allocated to learning, adding programs prior to, during, and after each school day. Class periods were increased allowing for longer instructional time. Physical education, music, library, & art programs were incorporated. Through grants, technology labs & media centers were transformed. Classrooms became centers of learning with Interactive Whiteboards & laptops. Motivation & attention increased. Trade books became part of the K-12 curricula. Math skill testing was frequent with skill analysis provided. Human & technological resources were utilized: on-line learning courses for Middle & High School; Books on Tape. Special & Regular Ed teachers team taught in inclusionary classroom settings. Students worked together in groups. Study-guides were used. Students presented their work. After-school & summer enrichment programs occurred through scheduling & grant funds. ALL CHILDREN LEARN. THEY NEED TO BE PROVIDED WITH TIME, RESOURCES, & CARING ADULTS.