After a ten year series of jobs in the personnel and training area, DeAnne established her own business in 1971. Today, DeAnne has been speaking professionally at business meetings and conventions for over 30 years in both the United Stated and Europe. She was the first woman to speak under the auspices of the American Management Association.
DeAnne has taught via satellite in the United States and has presented multi-day courses on management in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, South Africa, Mexico and Italy (in simultaneous translation). She has written numerous magazine articles which have appeared in business press both here and abroad. In addition DeAnne authored several film scripts focusing on motivation and performance improvement, some self-study programs for AMACOM Publishing (Skills for Success published in 1996) and several cassette programs on communication skills. Her book interviewing, A Manager's Guide to Hiring the Best Person to Every Job, was published by John Wiley & Sons in 2000 and the "Management's Fatal Flaw" published in 2010.
DeAnne's articles have been published in Industry Week, Quality Digest, Executive Excellence, Supervisory Management, International Journal of Manpower (Great Britain), Association Management Magazine, Successful Salesmanship (South Africa), Business Credit, Aftermarket Today, Quality Observer, Continuous Journey, Real Estate Professional, Executive Development (Great Britain), Industrial Distribution, NonProfit World, Human Resource Management, Journal of Healthcare Materiel Management and Managing Technology Today. She continues to be quoted in both the print and e-zine publications as an expert on management and employment issues.
DeAnne's corporate clients include such names as Sylvan Learning Systems, IBM, United Airlines, Digital Equipment Corp., Fidelity Investments, Harvard Medical School, Dole Fresh Vegetables, Sebastian International Biogen, Anheuser-Busch, Boston College, NYNEX Information Systems, Stratus Computer, Genrad, Dentsply International, McDonalds, General Motors and Rockwell International.
Her government and military clients include Department of Commerce, Social Security Administration, General Services Administration, U.S. Army Finance &Accounting Center, U.S. Naval Undersea Surveillance, U.S. Army War College, Internal Revenue Service, Defense Logistics, Soldier Systems Command, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Camp Pendleton, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Postal Service and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
Her Association clients include the Associated General Contractors, INC. Magazine, American Hospital Association, Federally Employed Women, National Business Forms Association, American Society of Association Executives, and Toastmasters International.
DeAnne is a Fellow of the Workforce Stability Institute and a member of the National Advisry Board if the President's Strategies & News Magazine. DeAnne holds memberships in the American Society for Training and Development and the National Speakers Association, which awarded her the coveted "CSP" (Certified Speaking Professional) designation in 1985. She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and is listed in the World Who's Who of Women.