About the Book
At this time, now I'm remarried my wife and I are both cocaine addicts. My wife smoked weed? I sold weed and cocaine to supply our habits. My wife left me one day. I was arrested the same day and put in jail. In jail, I bowed my knees on the floor in my cell. I was the only one there that day. I called upon Jesus and was saved and sent to North Central Correctional Institution. I never thought anyone cared. But I was so wrong. As I grew up, my aunt would always tell me, what a good kid, Luke is and I heard this statement and I loved, my aunt Evelyn, for every time, she gave me a place to sleep and allowing for me to live with her, when life through me, a curve, because of being put on my own, at a very early age. My aunt and I used, to talk about God all of the time, because I was saved (BORN AGAIN) at the age of twenty one. I tried to live so close to God, serving Him with all of my heart. Then I meet a young woman and I fell deeply in love with her and, we did get married and I had my first born, a little girl, I am a young daddy. Somehow, I really do not know how, but I found myself, out of Church after about a year of being married, I'm guessing, because this took place when I was still, a young man. I know that, when I was tempted, of the devil, I failed God and I just grew worse and even, worse than I ever thought, that I could ever get. By this time, I am out in the world and into mischief, I have turned into an awful, brawler, drinker, cheat, liar, drug dealer and to top it off, I am addicted to cocaine and began to smoke crack cocaine also. Things are even getting worse, if that is possible and now I am remarried, this being my third marriage, all because of sin and being unequally yoked together. By this time, I have robed someone, at gun point, because this crack house, robbed me, I learned, to render evil for evil or tooth for tooth, this is the way that, it is on the streets, I have turned, into a hoodlum, a thug, as the gang bangers would say. One night, as I thought that I was having, so much fun, in sin, the sin nature, has taken me as its prisoner. All of a sudden, I am having some kind of pain, to run up my left arm, unto my heart, I know that I am having a heart attack. I left the party that I was at and on my walk to get help, I stopped at an old girlfriend's house and there were some of my old friends and I told them that I was having a pain, going up my left arm and they told me to leave and I did, I had to call an ambulance, for my own self, because no one would. In the emergency room, as I thought that I was going to die, I tried to pray and the doctor, city police, and the paramedics, were all laughing at me, because, I was on cocaine and to them I was just another problem, in the world, the doctor gave me a shot and all I remember, is waking up in, this pitch black room. My heart was sick and I felt so fevered and my body was, ever so weak, I did not know, if I was going to live or not, I felt like death, warmed all over. I remember trying, to pray when, I know that I have been high for seven straight days, with no sleep and nothing to eat, I was the slave of the white devil called, crack cocaine. I was in the hospital for ten days and released, but not without the constant reminder, of the mussels on the left side of my heart have been damaged, and I had no doctor, I had my wife that was also a cocaine attic. Boy, what a mess that I am. Something, that you should know, my Dear Reader, that I knew at one time, who I was as a Christian, but when I tried to pray high, in the emergency room, that morning, as I was so high, I felt like I was going to die lost, it was by sheer Mercy that God allowed for me to truly live. It was as if my prayer was bouncing straight off of the wall, I felt like God was not listening and the doctor put me to sleep just like this, I had the heart attack, in my sleep. God did not take me out, into eternity, but Grace let me live.
About the Author: My name is Pastor Luke L. Chapman. I haven't always been a preacher, quite the contrary. When I was a young teenager everyone always said: "Boy what a good kid Luke is. He is a wonderful young man." Because of a stepfather that had no love for me, my clothes were packed for me and placed on the front porch on Christmas morning. Arrangements were already made for a near friend to pick me up to take me to my real dad's home. This became a cycle unto me. I learned soon to take flight in life, realizing I'm on my own. I was kicked out of school for truancy, failure to want to go to school and to learn. This started a foundation for my life, for my ongoing future. My new friends taught me how to smoke, drink, and cuss and to tell lies. I graduated to smoking weed and using cocaine. I never drank or used cocaine on a regular basis. I just started on weekends or invited parties. I got married and had a Child when I was 21 years old. But, with a lifestyle of drinking, spending money in bars and not on bills or in my home, I soon went through a divorce. Does this sound familiar, like today's youths? At this time, now I'm remarried my wife and I are both cocaine addicts. My wife smoked weed? I sold weed and cocaine to supply our habits. My wife left me one day. I was arrested the same day and put in jail. In jail, I bowed my knees on the floor in my cell. I was the only one there that day. I called upon Jesus and was saved and sent to North Central Correctional Institution. I never thought anyone cared. But I was so wrong. What was meant for evil for me, God changed for the good. Prison became My Bible College. Prison was where God counseled me about my morals. God taught me about being a good husband, a good father unto my Children and how a preacher must live and act. I served six and a half years in prison to learn not to use drugs, not to walk through life aimlessly. I learned my lesson. God raised me up to be a preacher in prison. Prison was my lifesaver. Wow, what a statement one might say! The reason prison was my lifeline was I could have graduated to the other side of life... Six Feet Down. I almost did! I had a heart attack, just before I was sent to prison, from smoking crack cocaine. I almost died. Your Friend... The Harley Davidson Preacher Man Luke L. Chapman Gods Vision... A Ministry of Fire For information contact THE VILLAGE CARPENTER PUBLISHING HOUSE, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA or see TheVillageCarpenter.info