From Possum Corner to Russia and Around the World is an accurate account of a woman's life and true testimony of taking God at His Word.
Viola Garvin Thompkins, born on December 16, 1936, in a little place called Possum Corner, weighing only three and one-half pounds. Ice was on the ground. The well was frozen over, and every adverse condition existed, including trouble with the delivery, no doctors for miles away, no car, just a horse and a wagon. In that room was a praying mother and midwife.
Three months later, Viola was not expected to live and was placed in a room referred to as "the shed room" to die. The doctor gave her mother medicine to put in her mouth, so she would not feel like she was doing nothing. The third day, Viola's fingers moved, and her mother picked her up and started to find a doctor. Many times, she was not expected to live.
At the age of twelve, God began giving her dreams and visions, which came to pass within two weeks.
At age fifteen, her mother died in a hospital thirty miles away. When her mother was dying, the lord spoke to her in an audible voice. The week after her mother's funeral, no one expected her to live, but the voice spoke again, saying all that she had was gone and she would have to take Him from here on in. He raised her up, and the book tells in part what has happened in Possum Corner and the years thereafter. In 1970, He commissioned her to go to all of His people. She became the founder and president of To God Be All Glory Ministries, Inc. She has served and ministered around the world in short-term missions in twenty-three countries, often returned to the same country. She has been a speaker for Women Aglow in the U.S. and the foreign field.