Introduction of the protagonist, their background, and interests
The protagonist or the heroine is the heart and soul of any story. They drive the story and engage the readers. It is very important to introduce the protagonist correctly, so that the readers can connect with them and follow their journey.
When introducing the protagonist, you should consider the following factors:
- Their name and age
- Their physical features
- Their personality and interests
- Their background and experiences
Name and age
The protagonist's name should be easy to remember and should reflect their personality. Their age helps to determine their level of experience and emotional maturity.
For example, a young protagonist may be more fearful and insecure, while an older protagonist may be more confident and self-determined.
Physical features
By describing the protagonist's physical features, you can help the readers visualize them more vividly. Include details such as their hair color, eye color, height, and weight.
For example, a protagonist may be a beautiful young woman with colorful hair and a kind personality. Or, a protagonist may be a young man with a strong physical build and a tough personality.
Personality and interests
The protagonist's personality and interests help to define them as a character. Consider what makes them unique and interesting.
For example, a protagonist may be a kind and compassionate person who loves animals. Or, a protagonist may be a witty and sarcastic person who loves to solve puzzles.
Background and experiences
The protagonist's background and experiences help to shape their perspective on the world. Consider where they come from and what they have been through.
For example, a protagonist may be from a small town and have always dreamed of traveling the world. Or, a protagonist may have a tragic past that has made them cynical and distrustful.