From Baghdad to Chicago is a diligent and comprehensive memoir of an Iraqi-born physician, growing up in Iraq, and pursuing his education and professional calling in Medicine, to serve to the utmost of his ability.
Asad Bakir speaks to the culture of Iraqi and Middle Eastern history, and offers timely reflections on the contemporary practice of Medicine.
Having lived through four generations of Iraqis, he has experienced Iraqs dramatic upheavals over the last sixty-five years and seen the ruin left behind. This book is a memoir of Dr. Bakirs life and times in Iraq, England and the US, and a fascinating account of his 26-year work at Cook County Hospital of Chicago.
He covers in depth a wide array of subjects of great interest: history, politics, literature, sociology, the arts, and the science and practice of Medicine.
His account helps us understand the recent events of the much-troubled Middle East. He describes events as objectively as possible, in a scientific discipline consistent with his medical studies and career, and he speaks with a voice of solid authority.
Join the author as he offers a firsthand account of the Arab Renaissance before it expired in the 1960s, the violent toppling of the Iraqi Hashemite monarchy, the dark chapters of Saddam Husseins tyranny, the wars he invited upon Iraq and the lethal 12-year sanctions.
Very engaging, as well, are his reflections on the US invasion of Iraq, global terrorism and the current state of healthcare in the US.