True friendship is something neither time, nor distance can break.
Whether it's a new budding friendship or a friend you've known since your toddler years, communication is key to keeping the friendship solid.
There are many ways to communicate though, phone calls, text messages, social media and more.
But one fun way to communicate is through a friendship journal. Journaling can be done one of two ways.
If you and your friend live close, you can both share a journal, taking turns writing in it.
If you're a distance apart, consider journaling about your friendship and then send the journal to your friend.
This heartfelt gesture is sure to bring a smile to your friend's face.
There are so many things you can journal about:
Cherished memories
School experiences
Summer camps
Places you'd like to see
Things you'd like to do;
Sports and activities
Your thoughts about the day you met
Your appreciation for one another
Choices you've made
Places you've been together
Questions for your friend
Old friends, boyfriends and girlfriends
Each other's family
On the first page or two of the journal, make a note of why you're creating the journal.
Include the date and any inspirational thoughts, quotes or photos you want to share.
This will become a treasured item for you and your friend.
Add photos, ticket stubs, receipts, poems, old notes and more to your journal.
Decorate it even further with stickers, glitter and other scrapbooking items you can pick up at most any store.
When journaling, dig deep into your subconscious.
Document not only your immediate thoughts but also your feelings behind them.
The more detail you can give, the more special your journal will be.
You don't always have to write in a serious tone.
There is a reason you and your friend picked one another, be that friend when you write.
Be fun, silly and nostalgic as you would if you were talking to your friend face to face.
Talk about things that you appreciate about your friend.
Remember, and document, the good times.
Share your hopes and dreams with your friend, especially those that include the friend.
Encouraging words
When and how long you journal is up to you.
Pick a quiet time to write as often as possible, but at least once a week.
This will help the activity become a habit.
The more you think of and are involved with your friend, the more you have to write about.
About the Author: The creator of this Journal, Alun Hill, is the owner of 32 profitable business.
He has long credited a large part of his success to Journal keeping.
By following his notes and advice, you too can emulate this success.
If you would like further training or help, his website at offers his free 70 page monthly magazine, showing many ways to improve your income and lifestyle.
The newsletter contains no adverts or affiliate links etc - just independent, usable, advice and help.
His many courses on setting up and running small businesses, asking "Would An Extra $1,000 A Month Help You?", are available at
These have already sold over 250,000 copies, worldwide.
Alun can be emailed at