An Inspirational Colouring Book Featuring 25 Countries and National Flags for Kids - Embrace Diverse People & Culture!
This creative colouring book inspires children to learn about different cultures from around the world in a fun and interactive way. By colouring each page representing local characters from one country, children learn basic information about different nations.
Kids will also learn about different country flags, traditional clothes, specific animal species, unique local food from each country, and much more.
★ A Journey Around the Globe is Waiting - Meet Jacob from the USA, Ploy from Thailand, Maxi from Germany, David and Wawuda from Kenya, Fatima from the UAE, and all the other friends around the world in this adventure book!
★ 29 Friends Around the World, Endless Storeys -The funny characters and items spark curiosity about the different culture and allow for many questions to be asked and storeys to be told around each individual colouring page.
★ 25 Countries, 25 Flags - After visiting all the countries, kids will also have the chance to colour all the different national flags, with their distinct colours & symbols. Simply scan the handy QR code, which will open a website with the fully coloured version of each flag.
★ Handwriting Practise - Practise to write the name of the country before colouring its flag. This will help to easily create a memory connection between flags and countries.
★ A Fun Reading Exercise - Every colouring page contains the local name and country of the shown character. Ideal to practise some reading while colouring!
★ A Great Gift Idaea - Children from age 4-12 will love to receive this fun activity book for their birthday, Christmas, or any other occasion.
★ Promoting a Sense of Multiculturalism - This motivational colouring book is a great tool to encourage children to explore the world.
★ One-Sided Colouring Pages - Each country is printed on one sheet of paper with a blank page on the backside, to prevent colour bleed through, no matter if pencils, markers, or crayons are used to colour the content. This also offers some extra creative space to draw and write and allows for the pages to be cut out easily to hang them on the wall or fridge.
★ Large Size (8.5" x 11") - Plenty of space to colour and draw.
The inspiration for this book comes from all the friends around the world I met while travelling. I hope all children can grow up to appreciate the diversity and beauty of all the different cultures on our planet.
Besides providing a fun time colouring, I wish this book contributes to some curious conversations at the dinner table or during family time.
Elvie Tanny