Many scholars are of the opinion that it is not important that we know the correct day or date of the Saviour's birth, crucifixion and resurrection. That is like saying it is not important that the registrar records the correct day and date of one's birth, marriage and death. If a mistake was pointed out to him, the event would have to be re-recorded, and a new certificate issued. It is that important.
Knowing the correct year, month, day and date, (even the time of the day) he was born, died on the cross, and was resurrected proves several things.
FIRSTLY, it corrects the error of a tradition.
SECONDLY, it sheds new light and truth, and light and truth always BUILDS FAITH never weakens it.
THIRDLY, it confirms the revelation recorded in D&C 20: 1, to be PRECISELY correct to the very day and date on which it was given, i.e., TUESDAY 6th APRIL 1830.
FOUTHLY, it also confirms the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite prophet, recorded in the Book of Mormon. Helaman chapter 14 verses 20-27 to be precisely correct even though it opposes the tradition of men regarding the timing of the crucifixion and resurrection.
FIFTHLY, it confirms the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
The above statements confirm that Joseph Smith was truly the great prophet of God that he was - BECAUSE HE HIMSELF WAS NEVER AWARE OF THESE TRUTHS WHICH HE HAD RECORDED!