This book of erotic love poetry is enhanced by original watercolor paintings of sacred sexual union.
We want you to have an experience as you read these words and see these images, some of which are sexually explicit. We want you to laugh, cry, tremble, vibrate and squirm. We want you to get aroused. Some readers might even be offended, although that is not our intention.
We want you to say wow! We want you to read these poems slowly over and over again. And we hope to inspire you to turn up the heat with your lover. Grab each other and make music with your bodies. Communicate with your touch rather than your talk. Surrender to your passion - hold nothing back. Be transported to the realm of sexual, spiritual ecstasy.
At the beginning of our relationship in 1987, our sexuality was primarily friction sex-where bodies rub together-and we did experience great pleasure! Friction sex is lusty-very, very physical: panty wetting, trouser tenting-an aching for physical release. Deep emotional connection isn't the main focus with friction sex.
By 1990, we had been practicing Tantra for three years and had advanced considerably in our ability to work with hot sexual energy, moving it through our bodies and exchanging it with each other. We were beyond the stage of falling in love, we had graduated to creating love, yet the intensity of our feeling was very much like when we first fell in love.
Happily, that intensity continues to this day. Our lust has been a joy, a key unlocking the door into direct experience of the great mystery. In an instant, a hot passionate desire will overtake us and we will drop what we are doing and devour each other. Over the years with our practice of Tantra, sex has evolved and matured, continuing to include lots of lusty friction, but expanding to also include energy sex and soul sex.
Energy sex involves deep emotional connection and opens the doorway to experiences of sexual ecstasy in which you become the lovemaking. During such an experience you may wonder, "Whose orgasm is it anyway?" In this way, energy sex goes beyond the physical, but at the same time is completely physically satisfying. Energy sex transcends control. Hearts are fully open in vulnerable surrender to each other. Your energy bodies and auras merge in the union of sexual ecstasy. This is far more satisfying compared with friction sex alone, without the emotional connection.
The third level of maturing evolution in our sacred loving was from energy sex to soul sex. In soul sex, the lovers become completely transparent, open, vulnerable, turning toward heaven and inviting the Divine into their lover's bed. Through a combination of extraordinary physical pleasure, deep emotional connection, heart opening, loss of control, and surrender, the lovers unite mystically with the All. This is an experience of the most profound love imaginable.
Our commitment to each other is always a gift, both given and received; never a duty or sacrifice or obligation. We share a belief that body, mind, heart and soul are one-that sex and spirit belong together, that sacred sex is a pathway through to the Divine.
The three levels of sacred sexuality, friction, energy and soul sex, once experienced are united in harmony, indivisible in an expanded field of sensuality and higher consciousness. Body, mind, heart and soul are united, the lovers are free and they are happy.
About the Author: It is our mission to help couples learn to create love to last a lifetime together.
Pala and Al regularly offer private weekend relationship and sexuality workshops and also host longer retreats for groups of couples. According to the Discovery Channel (The Sex Files), "Al and Pala teach couples how to have the best sex of their lives." We also offer telephone coaching and workshops for couples to improve sexual skill and satisfaction and to help save troubled relationships.
Visit our website for more information about our products and services. All of our books and DVDs are also available at various Amazon country stores.
Val Bradley enjoys a prosperous full-time career as a watercolor artist. Her art graces personal, corporate and public collections throughout North America.
Visit Val's website for more information:
Al and Pala have published 4 other books:
- Soul Sex: Tantra for Two (2003), is a relationship instruction manual for Tantric lovers. This is very much our personal story of sexual/spiritual awakening.
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Supercharged Kama Sutra (2007), is a friction sex manual; our modern interpretation of the classic Kama Sutra.
- Sensual Love Secrets for Couples: The 4 Freedoms of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul (2007) is a manual of over 100 simple exercises couples can use to claim their freedoms of body, mind, heart and soul in order to create love to last a lifetime together.
- 28 Days to Ecstasy for Couples: Tantra Step by Step (2007), is a guide to daily practices of Tantric sacred sexuality. Follow this program of daily exercises and you can experience sexual spiritual ecstasy in just one month!
We have also produced 4 video home study courses on DVD including:
- Tantra Sex Step by Step
- Kama Sutra Super Sex
- Simple Steps to Sexy Squirting: Female Ejaculation
- Women and Sex Toys
Find these and more at