Fresh, Healthy & Indulgent Eats was birthed from my wellness journey which started in 2017. I have lost 100 lbs since and have kept the weight off. Being mindful about how I feed my body has been a key factor to my sustainable weight loss, and I have never dieted one day.
I'm not a nutritionist, dietitian, chef, certified personal trainer, health expert or fitness coach. This book doesn't offer advice on what to eat or not. It's an intimate look into my decades-long struggle to lose weight, and a personal guide to how and what I ate so my diet supported my lifestyle, not kept me from enjoying it.
With "Fresh, Healthy & Indulgent Eats," I want to:
- share my love for cooking simple, flavorful, healthful meals
- show how food has fueled my sustainable weight loss
- show that food need not be complicated or restrictive while trying to lose weight
- show that you can have your cake and eat it too!
This is not a diet cookbook. No meal plans or checklists. Just some of my favorite recipes that were, and still are, how I fuel my body. These helped me become healthier and, with regular exercise, to lose weight.
I didn't restrict myself, cut out carbs or never satisfy my sweet tooth. Been there, done that. Instead, those indulgences became "sometimes" food, which is why "Fresh, Healthy & Indulgent Eats" includes an Indulgent section.
Diets in the past were always restrictive about sweets, ultimately dooming me to failure. Guilt descended if I "cheated" or ate something I "wasn't supposed to have." I have since realized that guilt is lazy energy. It doesn't change the past or shape the future. It wastes time, so I have learned to let it go.
This cookbook has more than 45 recipes (and pictures for each dish) to inspire food choices in a gentle, gradual way. These quick meals don't require too many ingredients because I like to keep it simple and no-fuss when it comes cooking. I also know there can be overwhelm or uncertainty when starting a weight-loss journey and trying to figure out how to feed your body.
"Fresh, Healthy and Indulgent Eats" shows how to keep it simple and even make several dishes with one main ingredient. You'll see that in sections titled "All Kale the Power" and "Pass the Pesto, Please." "Veggies for Breakfast" will inspire you to consider more vegetables at the beginning of your day.
Low in fat and calories, they have been a primary factor in my sustainable weight loss. They are also full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, and fiber in them helps you feel fuller longer.
As you engage with this book, I hope it opens your mind, nourishes your soul, feeds your spirit and fuels your body.