This book was written with the highest intentions to provoke,
a harmonious balance of self-awareness and self-love within you!
I will provide you with a guided introduction to the shadow work
process. Embedded in every chapter are tools, leaving you my friend
equipped! The breath work will encourage you to keep going. The crystal
recommendations have the power to energize you and expand your collection,
or create a new one! Every affirmation will leave your heart full and empowered.
The goal is to live a life free of fear. At the core of this book you will find a multitude
of questions and writing prompts. My friend you have to deal to heal. The shadow work
process encourage you to release fear. Old numbing narratives and limiting beliefs
will fall off, faced with attention and facts. Fear is false evidence appearing real
shadow work is a process of fact checking and shedding. Let's surrender and
progress forward to a life free of fear and focused on facts. The facts are you my
friend are enough, you are lovable and your authentic voice matters to the world.
It's time to be fearless and take up space!