About the Book
This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the 15th International S- posiumonMethodologiesforIntelligentSystems, ISMIS2005, heldinSaratogaSprings, NewYork,25-28May,2005. ThesymposiumwasorganizedbySUNYatAlbany. Itwas sponsored by the Army Research Of?ce and by several units of the University at Albany including its Division for Research, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of C- puter Science, and Institute for Informatics, Logics, and Security Studies (formerly the Institute for Programming and Logics). ISMIS is a conference series that was started in 1986 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Since then it has been held in Charlotte (North Carolina), Knoxville(Tennessee), Turin(Italy), Trondheim(Norway), Warsaw(Poland), Zakopane (Poland), Lyon (France), and Maebashi City (Japan). The Program Committee selected the following major areas for ISMIS 2005: intelligent information systems, knowledge discovery and data mining, knowledge - formation and integration, knowledge representation, logic for arti?cial intelligence, soft computing, Web intelligence, Web services, and papers dealing with applications of intelligent systems in complex/novel domains. The contributed papers were selected from almost 200 full draft papers by the Program Committee members: Troels Andreasen, Peter Baumgartner, Boualemn Benatallah, Salima Benbernou, Veronique Benzaken, Petr Berka, Elisa Bertino, Alan Biermann, Jacques Calmet, Sandra Carberry, Juan Carlos Cubero, Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Shu-Ching Chen, Christine Collet, Agnieszka Dardzinska, Ian Davidson, Robert Demolombe, Jitender Deogun, Jon Doyle, Tapio Elomaa, Attilio Giordana, Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, MirsadHadzikadic, ReinerHaehnle, JanuszKacprzyk, VipulKashyap, Jan Komorowski, Jacek Koronacki, Tsau Young Lin, Donato Malerba, David Maluf, Davide Martinenghi, Stan Matwin, Natasha Noy, Werner Nutt, James Peters, Jean-Marc Petit, Vijay Raghavan, Jan Rauch, Gilbert Ritschard, Erik Rosenthal, Marie-Christine Rousset, Nahid Shahmehri, Andrzej Skowron, Dominik Slezak, Nicolas Spyratos, V. S.