Improve Problem Solving, Motor Control, and Confidence for Kids With Fortnite!
Note: There are TWO books in ONE bookbinding.
Book 1: Fortnite Mazes For Kids
Books 2: Fornite Mazes For Kids 9-12
Raising your kids is hard. And with a world filled with so much technology, it can be hard to teach your child basic fundamentals that improve the quality of their life now, and more importantly, as they grow into adults. The problem is, teaching them the fundamentals of Problem Solving, Motor control, and Confidence without having it being boring.
This Maze book was created for your child to increase all of these fundamentals, and have a fun time doing so. How? - Fortnite
Problem-solving is increased by solving mazes as planning, brainstorming, and strategy are involved when solving a maze.
Fine Motor Control is increased as children need to control his or her pencil through the maze without hitting the black lines. This means at first, they will need to go slow, however, as your child progress through the book, notice how they will get faster and faster at using staying in the lines. This will help with writing once they are in school.
Confidence is increased as they will know this is a problem they will need to solve. As they complete one after another, they will gain confidence. The puzzles begin to get harder and harder, and this will push your child to help them to have the confidence to complete any problem they have.
You may think you can pick up any random maze book, however, the mazes in this book are designed with problem-solving, motor control, confidence, and fun in mind. No other maze book can you find the mazes made with these things in mind, plus, it is made fun with Fortnite!
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