About the Book
To those who find life desperate or just routine. To those who struggle to get out of bed or just can't seem to get to sleep. To those who believe there is no more and to those who ask, "Is this it?" This book leads you to a Forgotten Hope!
Written in the year preceding the coronavirus and published in the midst of the Pandemic when the world needs nothing more than it needs Hope, the author does not see the timing as coincidental. When the outbreak exploded, the governments and hospitals of the world found themselves unprepared, lacking the necessary supplies to defend, much less attack, the darkness named COVID-19. Historically, the world would look to The Church in such dire times. However, this time the Spiritual shelves of the churches are just as bare, having Forgotten the Hope they once carried out into the world. As a result, they are just as unprepared to defend against and attack the darkness named the Adversary.
Take a walk with the author as he searches through time for those who sought and fought to retain and revive this Hope. On this walk, the author details the "Offer of Hope" for what it is and what it is not. As you come to understand the Offer, you will take solace in passages like, "I offer you Peace that your heart will not be troubled and that you will not be afraid." The author will expose the truth of a culture that would steal this Hope from you and counter it with Truth from the Offer, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away." The author explains the warfare between those of the physical world and those of the spiritual world.
The author will introduce you to:
Robert Boyle, born Jan. 25, 1627. Known as the father of Modern Chemistry he said, "...the World is the great Book, not so much of Nature, as of the God of Nature, which we should find crowded with instructive Lessons, if we had but the Skill, and would take the Pains, to extract and pick them out" And "I am confirmed in the belief, that by transferring our impressions to the Sacred Text, we often impute to the Scriptures our own faults and deficiencies."
David M'Clure, Doctor of Divinity, 1748-1820. David said he, "...desired an education to qualify (him) for usefulness," so, he left home at the age of fifteen to pursue greater learning. He taught, "Let us strive to be holy, that our minds may be Heavenly. And may we be prepared for our departure, should it be this year, or this day..."
Matthew Henry, 1662-1714, wrote. "The more I see of the world and the various affairs of the children of men in it, the more I see of the vanity of it, and the more I would fain have my heart taken off from it, and fixed upon the invisible realities of the other world." In contrast, of himself, he pledged, "...that the Lord Jesus Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or death, by health or sickness, by plenty or poverty, by liberty or restraint, by preaching or silence, by comfort or sorrow."
Vance Havner, 1901-1986, was raised "...with a bible in one hand and a bird book in the other." Illustrative of his efforts to revive "the Church," "Most of us make the mistake of trying to change our circumstances instead of changing ourselves."
A.W. Tozer, 1897-1963. There may have been no one with a greater thirst for written knowledge than Tozer. Upon his ordination, Tozer's prayer included, "...false shepherds abound who deny the danger and laugh at the perils which surround Thy flock... I beseech Thee, give me sharp eyes to detect the presence of the enemy; give me understanding to see and courage to report what I see faithfully. Make my voice so like Thine own that even the sick sheep will recognize it and follow Thee."
They not only believed in and embraced The Offer of Hope but also understood that before you can accept The Offer, you must believe in the One who makes it.
The Offer has been made. Hope "knocks" and says, "Here I am..."