One young backwoods woman...
Corinne survived a cold, loveless childhood and made it to college. Now she needs to pay off her debts. Separated from her beloved friends, she finds a new life until it is threatened by a blast from the past. She will need all of her strength, intelligence, and ability in order to survive. Can she learn to trust and love...and keep a secret?
Two brothers with a secret:
Shifter Mitch is filled with rage after he lost both parents. He has only his brother, James, to lean on, because he has cut them both off from their pack. Can he overcome his rage, or is it too late for him to grow into the man he was meant to be?
Shifter James is without the aid of their sheltering pack when a series of mistakes led to his losing both parents at a young age. He had to be a father to a furious younger brother, sacrificing his own dreams and pack to keep them both safe. Can he find love, and reunite with the pack?
Note: There is some cursing in this book; these are backwoods people.
Note: There are some sex scenes in this book. If you're looking for clean romance or erotica, this is not the book for you.
Trigger alert: There is violence in this book, specifically between a man and a woman.
Last note: This is about one woman falling in love with two men, and vice versa. If you do not like the idea of reverse harem novels, this is not the novel for you.