About the Book
1. Introduction
Part I: Breeding of Confires
2. Larches (Larix sp.)
L.E. Pâques, E. Foffová, B. Heinze, M.A. Lelu-Walter, M. Liesebach, G. Philippe
The Starting Point: Description of the Geographical Organization of Genetic Diversity
Larch Breeding Today
European-Wide Breeding Perspectives
3. Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.)
G. Jansson, D. Danusevičius, H. Grotehusman, J. Kowalczyk, D. Krajmerova, T. Skrøppa, H. Wolf
Description of the Geographical Organization of Genetic Diversity
Norway Spruce Breeding
Major Achievements and Results
Forest Regeneration Material Deployment
European-Wide Breeding Perspectives
4. Sitka Sruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.)
S. Lee, D. Thompson, J. Kehlet Hansen
Quantitative Data
Wood Quality
Forest Reproductive Material Deployment and Genetic Gains
Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs
European-Wide Breeding Perspectives
5. Mediterranean Pines (Pinus halepensis Mill. and brutia Ten.)M. Regina Chambel, J. Climent, C. Pichot, F. Ducci
Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology of Aleppo Pine
The Current Situation as a Starting Point for Breeding
Current Breeding Programmes, Description and Results Additional Factors Affecting Future Breeding of Aleppo and Brutia Pines
6. Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
U.K. Krakau, M. Liesebach, T. Aronen, M.A. Lelu-Walter, V. Schneck
Biology, Ecology and Genetics of Scots Pine
Scots Pine in Treebreedex Countries
Present Situation as Starting Point for Breeding
Breeding of Scots Pine
Somatic Embryogenesis
Scots Pine and Climate Change
Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs
European-Wide Breeding Perspectives
7. Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco)
J.C. Bastien, L. Sanchez, D. Michaud
Description of Genetic Diversity
Forest Reproductive Material Deployment
European-Wide Breeding Perspectives
Part II: Breeding of Broadleaves
8. Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.)
D. Krabel, H. Wolf
Genetic and Knowledge
Breeding of Acer in Europe
Knowledge Gaps
Prospects for Acer Pseudoplatanus Breeding in Europe
9. Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.)
G. C. Douglas, A. Pliura, J. Dufour, P. Mertens, D. Jacques, J. Fernandez-Manjares, J. Buiteveld, Gh. Parnuta, M. Tudoroiu, Y. Curnel, M. Thomasset, V. Jensen, M. Knudsen, E. Foffova, A. Chandelier, M. Steenackers
Biology, Ecology and Natural Distribution of AshGene Conservation
Importance of Ash Dieback Disease Chalara fraxinea
Other Diseases and Pests of Importance on Ash
Phenology, Seed Production, Stratification and Seed Orchards
Value of Ash and Sources of Planting Stock
Assessment of Genetic Variation of Adaptive Traits, Growth and Quality Based on Data and Summary Evaluation of Provenance/Progeny Trials in European Countries
Heritabilities of Important Silivicultural Traits and Age-Age Correlations
Assessment of Genetic Variation, Hybridization, Gene Flow and Inbreeding Using Neutral Molecular Marker Variation
Current Genetic Improvement Programmes
Breeding Methodology
Vegetative Propagation and Cryopreservation
Europe-Wide Perspectives and Conclusions
10. Wild Cherry (Prunus avium (L.) L.)
F. Ducci, B. De Cuyper, A. De Rogatis, J. Dufour, F. Santi
Biology, Ecology and Genetics of Wild Cherry
Natural and Cultivated Area
Breeding of Wild Cherry
European-Wide Breeding Perspectives
List of authors and contributors
Subject index