About the Book
"A Dream... This Word is Such Abstract, at First Glance, and, at the Same Time, it has Concrete Meaning."
Today only, get this Paperbook version for just $14.99. Regularly priced at $19.99. In our time, people haven't forgotten yet how to make wishes and dream how to realize them. But many people, thinking on a want, subconsciously bring it right to the category of silly ones. In fact, to make this wish come true, you need to believe in this, to create a goal and move towards it with confidence. In this book, you won't find any magic or fable. My goal is to help you to bring your dreams into life, and not just the most cherished ones (which seem to be unachievable), but some more realistic, and no less important in your life. At first glance, this word is insignificant, but in reality, it's powerful. This concept divides people into two groups: the first group includes people who gather, united with shared views and interests. Individuals who believe that the dream is feasible, and do everything to achieve it and the second group is represented by people who, waving their hands carelessly, claim that an idea is just fantasy, they seem to stay inside the illusion of their world, escaping the problems. Each of us, among other things, has been taking a poll among friends and acquaintances, aiming to hear an answer to the question, 'What do you plan? What do you want in your life?' Typically, the answers received were equivocal. As a result, you took this information into consideration, when you analyzed a certain aspect of the life. Undoubtedly, I had such life moments as well, but always - in childhood, during my University years. They were accompanied with inner disobedience and aspiration to prove everyone and, in the first turn, myself, that it's possible to achieve what I long for, even if the dream seems to be unrealizable at first. Here You Will Learn...
- A Dream - a Fantasy or the Sense in Life?
- What is the Focus of Our Attention?
- Program Yourself for Happy Life
- How to Formulate Your Wishes Correctly?
- Three Steps to Your Dream That You Can Make Right Now
- Bonus! The World Gives Us What We Want (Complete collection - save $2.99)
- Much, much more!
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(c) 2016 All Rights Reserved! Tags: self esteem, low self esteem, self help, self fanning, self care, mental health, self confidence, psychological practice, you can heal your life, I like myself, love loves you, a loving life, self improvement, loving yourself, inspiration, personal growth, me loving you, depression and anxiety, help yourself, loving myself, happiness for life, motivational, happiness project, personal development, self loathing, creativity, perfectly imperfect, overcome your inner critic, feeling good, feeling good the new mood therapy, self compassion, way of the peaceful, renovation of the heart, how to stop the pain, you can change, faith hope love, irresistible revolution, the spirituality of imperfection, how can I help, freedom from your inner critic
About the Author: Consultant psychologist, psychotherapist. Specializations: individual and family counseling, work with trauma, complex emotional (anxiety, panic) states, psychosomatic symptoms, personality of the individual crises, twin and family relations; group therapy. Activities:
1. Individual counseling adults: one-time consultation on request, a short-term (maintenance) and long term (dynamic) therapy. 2. Work with pairs: one-time consultation, long-term emotional and focused therapy. 3. Group work: group therapy in the dynamic treatment groups, focus group sessions, workshops, seminars. Directions:
- Development and strengthening of personal identity, increasing emotional awareness and self-esteem, develop practical skills of interpersonal communication; - Psychological support and support in trying personal living conditions, development of skills of emotional literacy and self-support; - Group dynamic therapy focused on solving a broad range of personal and social problems, the development and strengthening of self-awareness, self-confidence, improve the quality of life.