About the Book
Willem of Orange, Vladimir Putin, Barach Obama, Radovan Karadzic, Boris Jeltsin, Helmut Schimdt, 1988, 8-2, Springtide control, worldwide flooding risks, a general theme. When a global tsunami hits, who takes that all embounding control to get the power people into safety, so they can manage the general population revoux, great and thorax denial and shock and cognitive dissonance of even seeing the prospects in the files in 2021 and beyond. Decisions where made at a hotel conference centre at Schoorl at Zee, under Floodmaster in ambition world wide, Willem of Orange. A devison of natural territories and responsibilities and co use of some scarce resources, NL, USSR, US, Germany, all have their Marine/fleet, and Radovan faces muddy terrain for a lot of people from the protected Serbian Empire. He is/was in highest need to get compounds dry and solid floored. It was a small conference, and my father was in the run to buy that conference centrum, already a entrepreneur with other hotels on his CV. He talked to the staff, about what happened, what the deal was and the fact that that particular conference centre faced the knaw of spring tide every year, it was on top of a dune, and faced just tumbling from that dune into that sea, every year. Not for that reason he decided against buying it, but later talked about it, the details of the conference, to Franz Betaille, a aid to the Bondkanselelier in 1988, and he, red head, spilled the beans, since well, he had enough of life anyway and the total grom prospects for Germany and him in 1988. Franz took a liking to me. His notes where thrown away after his stay and found by me when I was 18, near the dump, in a yellow plastic bag, me being a scourer. So, flood masters, a young black man, Obama, Jeltsin, already a name, oh, Putin, he, as a captain, was on me since 1983, since I pulled of stunt, like later in 86 Radio Free with 6 independent people, that was kind of rare on a huge scale, my ability to connect people in a initiative. Putin, with a cap, I had seen a photo when he was in Schoorl near my central antenna looking smug, and one, Karadzic, well, we had so many Germans, as hotel guests in Pension Torenweg in Schoorl, Schmidt was always in a higher class deal in Bergen, we where all about the people. And, oh, Willem, king, in Schoorl, That man was everywhere at that point visiting thing this and that. Now, the deal around those notes, in German. Och. Wasser. Hogh wasser. Zwanzig Eins. 1918, 1953, und.. it was 1988, Flood masters. Still, now? Already? Taking control of a huge flooding from 1988? Now it is 2020. It is 32 years later, and that start of the storm seasons, like shown in the two parts of All Gore's Inconveniënt Truth, is about to start. My thing on it. I let it go, completely, I recalled in 2018, visiting monumental congregation places of the old Germans that broke their head on it in Italy and also Slovenia, and Poland and Hungary. Ok. I walk around in Zurich, I talk to a military man, who approached me for being too assertive. I said, how high will the first or second tsunami or Konami wave come when the ice cap on new foundling, just SLIDE in the pool, like Gore shows, that is ONE BIG WAVE. I thing it might reach Zurich train station. He said he had a cure. in Physics and worked that out in his head. No he said. Pluto is booked out as a planet this term, so we do NOT calculate with the small mass of that planet. But.. wait. It acts like a seventh seal, for the gravity well to reverse the poles in polarity and that will drag the huge column into the cup of water that is Earth. Well, that is a splash for a full day. Thathappens even say 10.000 years at a day of Aquarius, Nice. No. I am gonna sleep at the top bunk. And trust my corporals. Cool guy. He gave me a Pepsi. And.. the collateral, mister? Bikes, high end Zurich sport cars on their sides, and, bodies, drowned animals, people stuck, the huge screaming, the sirens, the trains NOT on their rails. Ah I have a b