Introducing the Flitlits to Young Readers
At your place, or any space where flowers grow or rivers flow, spring up!
Spot folk at plots that time forgot within a shaded shelter.
A map at hand lays out the land.
It is a hidden corner.
Funny fables come your way that share the far folk's daring days.
They may be tricky, good, or better.
The folk flit and swish.
They float when they wish.
Follow them soon.
About Introductory Book 9 / SCUBA SALT / Supported Reading / US English Version
The hidden land of Seldom See enjoys a sunny spot.
Dwellers at the far-off land named the space Hot Plot.
Salt folk settled at the plot close to boats and lobster pots.
The folk, like all Salt folk before, have always lived close to the shore.
They are boat people and fisherman who work together as a crew.
Scuba knows each pool and cranny and the secrets of the sea - so many.
He speech-reads when he is with friends.
There are spells when he will spend time at Shock Rocks, close to home,
looking over Hot Plot Zone.
STORY 9 finds the Flitlits on a sunlit day setting off for Hot Plot Bay.
A troop arrive close to the shore, that they had never met before.
Could they pass for dreamy genies with no sun cream or bikinis?
Will they aim to work on tests like chess champions at their best?