Introducing the Flitlits to Young Readers
At your place, or any space where flowers grow or rivers flow, spring up!
Spot folk at plots that time forgot within a shaded shelter.
A map at hand lays out the land.
It is a hidden corner.
Funny fables come your way that share the far folk's daring days.
They may be tricky, good or better.
The folk flit and swish.
They float when they wish.
Follow them soon.
About Introductory Book 13 / OZZIE MO / Confident Reading / UK English Version
An island named Urainonus is very far from glamorous.
The island is so dark and rainy that its dwellers shelter, mainly.
Soak Folk dwell on the far island with no sunny high or low land.
They built a ship named Super Sonic and its speed is supersonic.
Some time ago, a Soak Folk family went off course as a gale blew at full force.
The group was rescued by Star Shift as their sailboat went adrift.
They reached the land of Seldom See and moored their ship at Hot Plot Quay.
The family settled at Blot Plot, that soaks up moisture more than not.
Soak Folk swell up large and quickly unless they shelter very swiftly.
A weather feather flows and sways at chalky Blot Plot every day.
Young Soak Folk member Ozzie Mo checks the feather as it flows.
STORY 13 finds Ozzie voted captain of a team named the Super Swells.
They dream of being floating glowball champions. It is a very high ambition.
The Super Swells have tough opponents made of flexible components.
They are a team named Otto's Lotto from Pull Plot, that many Flitlits follow.
Come across a tricky Sky Ey tracking flowing, glowing balls that fly.