1967, A Shau Valley, South Vietnam: Marine Lt. David Rixon is assaulted by agents of a treasonous secret government within his own command structure. Orchestrated by the dark brotherhood that controls the Presidency and the Pentagon, the US war in Vietnam is based on a lie and designed to be a bloody, no-win, corporate profit center - Rixon is duty bound to stop it.
The story begins in Odessa, Texas and unfolds through University Park and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Washington, DC; Paris, France; Da Nang, Saigon, and the A Shau Valley in South Vietnam; the Giants Mountain in Laos; Uncle Ho's Stilt House in Hanoi, North Vietnam; Macau; Chichi-jima Island, Japan; Midway Island in the North Pacific; and an extinct volcano somewhere north of the Arctic Circle known as The Wintergarten.
The plot is driven by a life-or-death conflict between two opposing forces: The North American Order, owners of the secret government, and a small group of American combat veterans with legacy service in Vietnam, Korea, and World War II.
The North American Order: With satanic origins in the fiery chaos that engulfed the European Continent after the demise of the Roman Empire, The Order exists to accomplish its 2000 year mission: the creation of a perfect world. By leveraging transcendent wealth and impenetrable secrecy with a supernatural understanding of human nature, The Order's time-tested Luciferian praxis uses trickery, deception, and the power of compound interest to come into undisputed ownership of the land and its people. Their ultimate goal is the creation of a global feudal state through which their ancient leaders, The Apex, will rule their new Utopia.
The American Combat Veterans: Wars fought for love of country, the experience of lives lived as free men, and the providence of Almighty God motivate this close fraternity of citizen-soldiers to band together in opposition to The North American Order, its master plan for domination of The United States of America, and enslavement of the entire world.
About the Author: Steve A. Madison (1951- ) was born in Houston, Texas to a WWII combat veteran from Oklahoma and a patriotic redhead from Louisiana. He was raised to believe in God, country and a government of the people, by the people and for the people - secured by the sacred blood of the American soldier. Post 911, he became alarmed by the overt legislative theft of America's constitutional safeguards that exposes the life, liberty, and private property of every American to lawless confiscation by the state. In 2012, Madison began a research project to determine the root causes of these acts and developed startling evidence of a secret government hidden within the federal system, a dark brotherhood that operates it, and a hidden hand that steers it. His first novel, "The Flight of the Mayday Squadron" decodes the Pattern Language of America's Deep State by presenting the results of his research in a narrative that reconsiders the Vietnam War as a for-profit prototype for the 911 War on Terror. It is written from the point of view of American soldiers, then and now, who willingly place themselves in harm's way for the sake of the Constitutional Republic. Madison makes this four part promise to his readers: 1) You will see the evidence for the secret government, the dark brotherhood, and the hidden hand, 2) You will be enthralled by the action, 3) You will be engaged by the characters, and 4) You will be entertained, informed, and equipped to do your own research into the most important subject of our time.