Ted has three earned degrees--the BA., M. Div., and the D. Min--from Carson Newman University, Southwestern Theological Seminary, and Luther Rice Seminary. He served twenty-eight years in the military, twelve years in the Navy, and sixteen years with the Marine Corps. He joined the Navy as an enlisted man, E-1, and retired as a Lt. Commander, O-4. (The twelve years were on active duty and sixteen years were as a Ready Reserve). His military service includes the Cuban combat crisis, four Vietnam tours, and the "Desert Storm" conflict. He received twenty-two military ribbons and/or service medals, including the Presidential Unit Citation, Navy Meritorious Citation, and other combat action medals.
He married his high school sweetheart, Anne, and they have been married over fifty-six years. They have four children: one son, Ted Jr., and their three daughters, Deanna, Terena, and Letitia. They also have eleven grandchildren.
Dr. Padgett has written several published books, including Evangelism in America Since 1700, The Bubble of Life, Home Sweet Home, and God's Gunslinger.
In addition to his works is "The Twelve Disciples--A Close Look" (a thirteen -week Sunday School study campaign), "The Ten Commandments," (a thirteen-week Sunday School study booklet), and a magazine article on public speaking entitled: "VEGA: The House of Communication." He has two books entitled Fleece of Faith: Finding God's Will and Changed now being published.
He was a Navy chaplain in both the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. He was a senior pastor of seven churches (two of which he served have honored him with the title of Pastor Emeritus. He pastored one for twelve years and the other for sixteen years). He also was a vocational evangelist, conducting over one hundred revivals and/or crusades. Though retired, Ted continues to preach, speak, and attend conferences. Ted and Anne continue to travel and are enjoying their children and grandchildren as they continue to follow God's will for their life!