Ring, a young student at a performing arts school in Guangzhou, finds herself falling in love with her beautiful and talented instructor, Crystina. Initially unable to return her feelings, Crystina, who is also married, can allow herself to be Ring's friend, but no more.
As she mourns over her forsaken love, Ring becomes victim to a fellow lead dancer's violent jealousy, leaving her torn between guilt over his expulsion from the school and gratitude for her teacher's decision to protect her. Finally realizing her true feelings for Ring, Crystina reveals the passion buried deep within, igniting a torrid love affair that transforms into a bittersweet romance. But with hidden jealousy and wild accusations threatening the young couple, can Ring and Crystina keep themselves - and their past - from destroying what they so desperately sought to create?
Heart-wrenching and soulfully written, Flaw of the Ring is an unforgettable journey in the pursuit of forbidden love.
Author and artist Angela Lao grew up in Macau where she is currently a design student in Polytechnic Institute. She has successfully published ten books and is working on her next book entitled Tear of the Notes.
Also by Angelo Lao
Tear of the Notes (Lesbian novel) Missed Melody (DVD)
Strings floating in my heart Roaming to Coloane (DVD+book)
(13 lesbian songs DVD+CD) 61 Days Together (DVD+book)
Sound of Angel (CD with nine songs) Love between Heaven and World (Graphic novella)
Thousand years Affinity (Chinese fiction) Lass' Dream (Graphic poetry story)
Angel House (Childhood drawing collection) Natural Farm II (Chinese-English comic)
Angel Paradise (Art work collection) Natural Farm I (English-Chinese comic)