NOTE: In addition to the DVD described below, the following instructional aids for Fitness for Life, the best-selling high school health-related fitness textbook, may also be purchased separately:
-a related DVD on physical fitness topics;
-a lesson plans CD-ROM (print version available upon request) that provide a plan for every day of the course, whether it is taught as a semester course or a yearlong course;
-teacher's resources and materials CD-ROM that includes a variety of materials for use in class;
-Activity and Vocabulary cards on CD-ROM;
-Presentation package that includes a complete PowerPoint(R) presentation for each lesson in the book;
-a Spanish E-book version of the textbook;
-Physical Activity Pyramid posters;
-an In-Service DVD;
-and more!
For more information on these items, visit the Fitness for Life Web site.
This item is one of many supplemental teaching materials available for use with the Fitness for Life program. Contact your K-12 sales representative at Human Kinetics, 800-747-4457, (click here for the contact information for your sales person's direct contact informat) for more information and regarding bulk purchases.
Chuck Corbin's Fitness for Life DVDs allow teachers to vary their instruction technique and illustrate the key concepts, activities, and assessments featured in the Fitness for Life text. These engaging videos provide virtually self-contained lesson plans that will motivate as well as instruct. Your students will learn to practice goal setting; think critically about health-related fitness; and become responsible for their own activity, fitness, and health.
The Wellness package includes five 30-minute video segments:
-Introduction to Wellness
-Stress Management
-The Activity Pyramid
-Planning Healthy Lifestyles
The videos spell out exactly why each aspect of wellness is important, illustrate key points from the corresponding content within the Fitness for Life text, and identify activities and assessments that reinforce student learning.