My personal fitness journey began more than 40 years ago. On the job training have given me a clear understanding at what exercise should Look and FEEL like on many levels. After all, I'm acquainted with how the body feels at 20, 30, 40, and over 50 years young! Fit at Any Age is my way of sharing knowledge with those looking for the most effective and safe way to manage age through functional exercise and nutrition. No, we are not going to live forever ... but it is my sincere hope that we make our "Last Set, Our Best Set"!
About the Author: Normal0falsefalsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONE
As a kid growing up, I would often fantasize about being the biblical judge, Samson, and the mythical legend, Hercules, possessing great strength.
Every physical chore my dad gave me, such as removing rocks from the garden or carrying planks from construction jobs, I welcomed as a way to grow bigger muscles.
At the age of 11, I asked my parents for a set of weights for Christmas. They fulfilled my request with my very own York barbell and dumbbell weight lifting set, which included a Charles Atlas weight lifting brochure.
From that moment on, I read everything I could get my hands on about weight training and nutrition.
Every trip to the grocery or drug store would land me in the magazine section, searching for my favorite body-building stars.
By the time I was 16, I entered my first bodybuilding contest wearing a pair of blue and red underwear from K-Mart. At the time, I didn't know there was such a thing as posing trunks.
My placing in the contest didn't go too well. However, I had fun and was told by the judges I had lots of potential.
The die had been cast for me, a teenager from the small town of Spartanburg, South Carolina, and so began my rise to the top in the field of amateur and professional bodybuilding.
Win History
- 1979 Teen Mr. America - AAU, Overall Winner
- Teen Mr. America - AAU, Tall, 1st
- 1982 Junior Nationals - NPC, Overall Winner
- Junior Nationals - NPC, Heavy Weight, 1st
- Nationals - NPC, Overall Winner
- Nationals - NPC, Heavyweight, 1st
- World Amateur Championships - IFBB, Heavyweight, 1st
- Grand Prix Las Vegas - IFBB, Winner
- Night of Champions - IFBB, Winner
- Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1984 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1985 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1986 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1987 Grand Prix Germany IFBB, Winner
- 1988 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1989 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1990 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
- 1991 Olympia - IFBB, Winner
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I've often been asked by people, "Was it the training systems, the meal plan, the vitamin supplement program, or the tuna fish that gave you the muscles?"
This is what I believe:
I distinctly recall praying one night before bed, "Lord, if you see fit to make me the best at this sport that I love so much ... I will go before the world and give you the praise and the glory."
Apparently, He heard and answered my prayer in a mighty way. How else can I explain winning the Mr. Olympia title 8 consecutive times and finding a place in the Guinness Book of World Records, being appointed as Chairman to the President's Council on Fitness and Sports, being inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame, hosting exercise shows on both ESPN and the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN), and the list goes on.
It gives me the greatest pleasure to be able to share the knowledge I gained over the years.
To God be the glory!
- Lee Haney