About the Book
Finding Your Best Places: Using Astrocartography to Navigate Your Life is Dan Furst's long-awaited first ebook on today's hottest astrology topic, the exciting new art and science of Astrocartography. This word simply means that we take the same information an astrologer uses to create birth charts and horoscopes - that is, a person's date, time and place of birth - and we use them to create world maps that are personal and unique, and useful in guiding us to our best destinations for jobs and money, health, family, love relationships, creative and spiritual paths, community, travel destinations, whatever matters most to us. Each astrocartography map has sets of colored lines that have planet symbols in triangles pointing up to the top of the map, or the bottom, or east or west. So the lines show us not only which planet energies are at work in each place, but in which direction they go: to the soul (up), the body (down), our individual goals (east) or relationships (west). The lines also form connections and crossings -- just as the planets in our birth charts have meaningful, powerful angles of relationship -- so we can easily tell which places in the world are energetically charged for us, whether for success or struggle, and which are neutral "rest areas." Joint readings for couples, families and business teams are especially useful for identifying places that are most beneficial for living and working, and for finding important relationships. Astrocartographers often insist, in fact, on reading for both members of a committed couple, in order to highlight places that are good for them both, and avoid locations that are great for one partner, but challenging, at the very least, for the other. Another crucial point is that astrocartography is not just for helping people find their best places to live and work, though this was the main question when Jim Lewis created his new system 40 years ago. Now second-generation astrocartographers often tell new clients: You Don't Have to Move! People who are quite happy where they are can still use their astrocartography lines to find the places that best favor them for finding employers, clients, colleagues, healers, publishers, investors and love partners. Looking at our astrocartography maps as well as our birth charts can now tell us not only the conditions of timing that astrology has always explored, but also, for the first time, the conditions of SPACE as well. While astrologers have long used different ways of connecting zodiac signs with countries and cities, so that, for example, the very theatrical land of Italy may be called a "Leo country," it is only now that we can see, in precise detail, exactly which places on Earth really favor us, personally and individually, or may have important relationships for us. There are profound spiritual implications to these locational matters as well, and we may find in time that our tendencies, interests, gifts and challenges may all be reflected in the astro-geography of the sky, and this is why we feel attracted to the spiritual traditions and practices of specific places, and why some places just mysteriously seem to keep calling us. And what may be most important to many of us, is that astrocartography may show us what places are most important for the fulfilling of our Sacred Contracts, and the challenges and opportunities they offer for the pursuit of our spiritual goals, and our evolution toward enlightenment and freedom. In the end, what matters is that astrocartography gets more popular every year. It's not just because we want to find our best places now in very fluid and unpredictable times, or because we're more mobile and globally connected that ever before in wider, more versatile networks of business, social contacts and bonds of love and spirit. Astrocartography is hot now because it WORKS. It's helped thousands of people find their purpose, stoke their passion, ignite their courage and hit their
About the Author: Dan Furst was born in New York. He has worked as an award-winning actor, singer, music and theatre producer, astrologer and ceremonial artist in New York, Japan, Hawaii, India, Egypt and Peru. He travels extensively, and his public speeches and festival performances in the Americas, Europe and the Mideast have made him one of the world's most respected authorities on the astrology of our awakening into Aquarian spiritual consciousness. For the last ten years, since he began specializing in astrocartography, his life has been an ongoing experiment in living, building relationships and traveling under his best lines, and tough ones too, to test firsthand which pieces of astrocartography lore ring true, and which ones still need work. No one knows astrocartography better as a practical tool for finding our best places to live and work, to find and build relationships, and travel well. Dan has been a professional astrologer for 38 years. His accurate, insightful readings have helped thousands of people find their undiscovered talents, unlock their love, activate their creativity and go with confidence and courage toward their goals. And now, thanks to Astrocartography, he can help them not only to understand their best conditions of timing, but also to navigate their life maps toward their best spots on planet Earth. Dan has written about astrology since 1998 in his Universal Festival Calendar and his books Dance of the Moon (Llewellyn, 2009) and Surfing Aquarius (Red Wheel Weiser, 2011) - now in Spanish as Navegando por Acuario. He is also the author of When It Rained in Egypt, a multimedia work of holistic theatre for the Second Renaissance, one of several theatre works now in progress toward live performance and video. He regularly guides Moon ceremonies and ritual theatre as a ceremonial artist and festival clown. With Mark Wilcox, he created the "We're 2012-ing" rock song. He is the first actor to pay the beloved Sufi poet Jelal-ud-din Rumi on stage, and has given performances of An Evening with Rumi, compiled from translations by Coleman Barks and Jonathan Star, in the USA, Egypt and Peru. He lives now in the town of Pisac in the Sacred Valley near Cusco. He is at work on new books in his Astrocartography series, and on Double Harmonies, on the sound science and sacred music of ancient Egypt, and From Hathor to Asklepius, about the birth of holistic medicine in the temple sites of Egypt, Turkey and Greece.