About the Author:
For eighteen years, my two brothers and I lived on Air Force bases all across Canada. We did tours in Edmonton, London, Trenton, then in Ottawa where our crew was joined by a brother, and finally, our sister joined us in Schefferville, Quebec. Our final postings were to Vancouver; then Comox in B.C.
I married Marg, my high-school sweetheart, and we raised our two girls in Victoria, Quesnel, Creston, Lister, Canyon, and Wynndel. After fifty years of marriage, we were shot down by Alzheimer's disease. I lost the love of my life, my co-pilot, and my navigator. When she left, she took my life with her. We crashed and burned. I am now listed as M.I.A.: "Missing in Action." With the love of my heavenly Father, my family, and my friends, I have set out to "Find ME" and re-invent myself. I may be old, but I am not dead yet.
Murray Mason Brown
About the Illustrator:
The first piece of art work that I remember doing dates back to three-years-old. The bumblebee I drew with crayons had a yellow and black body and wings. My parents realized that if you supplied me with a coloring book or paper and crayons, I became very quiet for a very long time. My first thank-you is to my Heavenly Father for making me with a drive to create on paper, canvas, and now using a computer. My second thank-you goes to my earthly father who always supported me and provided me with my own art studio in our home and the materials to grow. And, of course, thank you to Mason, "ME," for giving me an opportunity to use this gift.
Linda Lashbrook