About the Book
We expect to find God in church and in our private devotions. But have you ever wondered where He is the rest of the time-especially when things go wrong? With humor and poignancy, author Lillie Ammann shares how she finds God in the everyday experiences of her life. If you like the smell of cookies in the oven and watching reruns of The Waltons, you will love the folksy flavor of Finding God in the Everyday. Molly Noble Bull, Christian romance author, www.mollynoblebull.com Lillie has written a refreshingly insightful book. Though at times I took a different theological point of view, most often I found myself thinking of ways in which the Scriptures, the stories, and the heartfelt prayers could be applied to my daily life. This book is practical, inspiring, and highly readable. Terry L. Sumerlin, Conference speaker and author, www.terrysumerlin.com Lillie Ammann shares stories from her life, showing great insight in how God has used these experiences to help her and others grow in their faith. This book will encourage everyone who reads it to look for God's hand in their daily lives. Janet Kaderli, Christian author, www.janetkaderli.com I've been privileged to be Lillie Ammann's priest for 13 years. She's like an onion...lots of layers of wonderful experience, wit, humor, and talent. And God has used those layers in her devotional book. It in, you will find "Miss Lillie"-pithy, direct, and easily-understood. That comes out, as we would have said in my military career, "loud and clear." Some other things come out: faith, perseverance, and a lifetime of learning at our Master's nail-scarred feet-things money can't buy. Miss Lillie has applied the narrative of her diverse life to one point-growing in the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ. She's literally taken her life and given it to us to share what she's learned at each juncture. It's a rare gift, and certainly one that will better our world, as she shares her hope in Jesus through the vehicle of her remarkable perspective. Read this and grow in Him Who is our Hope. The Venerable Father CB "Chip" Harper++, Anglican Archdeacon Emeritus of San Antonio, Texas "Where's God" is a question everyone asks, particularly when life brings heartaches and difficulties. Lillie Amman answers the question by pulling back the curtain, allowing us to see and feel her personal struggles to find God's presence in the good, the bad, and the ugly of daily life. Her message: we too can find God when we stop, look, and listen. Lillie writes with passion and emotion; she allows us to walk beside her and see her discovery of God in her daily life. Her stories are so real and compelling the book is hard to put down. Each chapter includes two items from her experience: a Bible verse showing God does show up and a prayer. Where's God, you ask? He's here with us; we can find Him in our daily life when we look. Ben Ferguson, Adopt-a-Chaplain You have within your grasp a key to 'Finding God in the Everyday' or you would not be reading these sentences. Know this, and be prepared for its impact: this little book may be God's way to help you do just that-to find God in the everyday. That said, as my friend Lillie helps us learn (though she never says it quite this way): the fact is we don't really need to find God. Nor does He need to find us. He knows right where we are. If we are honest, we know right where He is, too. If we open our eyes, we can see Him. If we open our ears, we can hear Him. If we open our hearts, we can know Him, for "He is not far from any one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:27b-28). the end, I think you, too, will think of her as a friend. The faith and stories shared in these pages are not only inspiring, they are instructive. They are helpful. They are down-home. They are everyday. They are otherworldly. Read and be blessed. Welcome to the life of knowing God in the miraculous, other-worldly, plain ol' everyday. Fr. J
About the Author: Lillie Ammann always dreamed of writing "someday." A devastating stroke at age forty-five made her realize she didn't know how many "somedays" she had, so as soon as she was physically able, she started writing. In 1996, she sold her interior landscape company to a large national corporation and started her new career as a freelance writer and editor. She has published both fiction-romance and mystery-and nonfiction. Lillie grew up on her family's farm in south Texas, then attended Southwestern University, where she graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor of arts degree. She married the love of her life and worked as an employment counselor before going into business for herself. Lillie was widowed after forty-five years of marriage and still lives in San Antonio, Texas, in the same house she shared with her husband throughout their marriage. Lillie, who has been a Christian all her life, is active in her church. She blogs at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye, www.lillieammann.com.