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In locating the Fifth Annual Conference of the Y . P . S. of C. E. at Saratoga, the Executive Committee were influenced by the fact that the work had spread so widely during the past year that it was no longer fair to a large constituency to ask of them to come so far east as the localities where the earlier conferences had been held. Saratoga seemed to be about a central point, as nearly as could be judged. Saratoga, too, was easily reached from all quarters, while, through its almost innumerable hotels and boarding-houses, it offered accommodations for delegates not to be obtained elsewhere. Still, it was with some hesitancy that it was fim1lly decided to hold the conference outside of New England. A wiser hand than theirs guided the Executive Committee in their deliberations, and the success of the conference which has just closed has proved the wisdom of His choice. It had been felt that the enthusiasm and the encouragement attendant upon a large gathering were essential to obtaining the best results from such a meeting. Should we, outside of New England, have an attendance which would guarantee these features? You who were present at Saratoga know how that question was answered. The meetings were held in the Washington Street Methodist Church, that great building erected largely for the conferences of such great bodies as the American Board of Foreign Missions, and all through the meetings of those three days the body of the house was filled with an interested, attentive and enthusiastic audience. Certainly God was very 2ood to us during that convention, and by showing, as we believe, his approval of the cause, has placed the Society of Christian Endeavor in a prominent position among the ranks of the organizations which have for an aim the evangelization of the world.
In publishing this report, it is hoped to accomplish a twofold object; lint, to furnish to those who were present at the meeting. a reminder of all that was said and done on that occasion, and, secondly, to give to the many who were unable to be present some of the benefits so plentifully gained by those who were in attendance, that all may partake of 'the blessings. The report is not as complete as we could wish. Several important and valuable addresses it has been impossible to obtain, either from the fact -that they were never committed to paper, or from some other equally good reason. Still, in the main it is correct, and we send it forth with the hope that God, in His goodness and wisdom, will guide this little book where it will carry to its readers, some of the many blessings, the cause of Christian Endeavor has so generously bestowed on at least fifty thousand young people of this and other lands.
GEO. M. WARD, General Secretary.