About the Book
This short story collection by Ambrose Bierce has all of the following stories: One More Unfortunate, The Strong Young Man of Colusa, The Glad New Year, The Late Dowling, Senior, Love's Labour Lost, A Comforter, Little Isaac, The Heels of Her, A Tale of Two Feet, The Scolliver Pig, Mr. Hunker's Mourner, A Bit of Chivalry, The Head of the Family, Deathbed Repentance, The New Church that was not Built, A Tale of the Great Quake, Johnny, The Child's Provider, Boys who Began Wrong, A Kansas Incident, Mr. Grile's Girl, His Railway, Mr. Gish Makes a Present, A Cow-County Pleasantry, The Optimist, and What He Died Of, The Root of Education, Retribution, Margaret the Childless, The Discomfited Demon, The Mistake of a Life, L. S, The Baffled Asian, Tall Talk, A Call to Dinner, On Death and Immortality, Music-Muscular and Mechanical, The Good Young Man, The Average Parson, Did We Eat One Another?, Your Friend's Friend, Le Diable est aux Vaches, Angels and Angles, A Wingless Insect, Pork on the Hoof, The Young Person, A Certain Popular Fallacy, Pastoral Journalism, Mendicity's Mistake, Picnicking considered as a Mistake, Thanksgiving Day, Flogging, Reflections upon the Beneficent Influence of the Press, Charity, The Study of Human Nature, Additional Talk-Done in the Country, Current Journalings, Obituary Notices, Christians, Pagans, Musings, Philosophical and Theological, Laughorisms, "Items" from the Press of Interior California, Poesy, Ye Idyll of Ye Hippopopotamus, Epitaph on George Francis Train, Jerusalem, Old and New, Communing with Nature, Conservatism and Progress, Inter Arma Silent Leges, Quintessence, Resurgam