Life is a series of ups-and-downs.
When we hit rock bottom, it can be an unexpected catalyst for awakening to the wonder of our existence. However, first, we must have the courage to let go of everything we think we know.
Join Kristina as she takes her first step of courage into the unknown, beginning an epic quest for answers to some of the most profound questions of existence:
Who am I, and why am I here?
What is the purpose of life?
Does a higher intelligence exist?
How do I heal from the past?
What happens after we die?
Her profoundly transformative story reimagines what we understand to be possible for a soul on its journey through time. By turning traumas and trials into magnificent opportunities, Ms. Kashyap models for us a path to living a more vibrant and conscious life by opening our hearts, meeting our souls and learning to trust our inner voice above all else.
Fed Up to Wonderstruck is a must read for anyone who is seeking their truth and wants to embody what true spirituality means. It is a glorious ride with many twists and turns, filled with magic, wisdom, and easy to follow guidance.
Kristina Kashyap is a Meditation Teacher, Author, Holistic Health Coach, and Practitioner. She facilitates seminars and retreats, which help bring clarity, trust, power, and joy into the lives of the participants. Kristina teaches how to create balanced and nurturing relationships with all aspects of the self. She connects the dots of healing for a simple, practical, and vibrant path forward. Kristina specializes in taking clients through customized health and wellness journeys, by helping them understand their unique needs and help them design their lifestyle for optimum vitality.
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Reader Reviews:
Your book is incredible. My husband and I have finished it, and are on our second re-read. It explains so much! It offers insight into anyone's life as well as a wonderful path to follow. We are totally impressed with your writing abilities, your drawing us into your story AND keeping our complete interest. This is incredibly good fodder for Baptists to die-hard Catholics, to incorporate into their lives - and soooo instructive. We think this should go in the self-help, religious and feel-good sections of any bookstore. It's perfectly organized. Thank you for all you have lived through, imparted to others and offered to us all. - Cooledge
This is not just a book, it is a book that will change your way of thinking about yourself and your world; A way of BEING; A way of living. Kristina pours out herself and her story in a way that all of us can relate to as most of us have had to endure suffering and tragedies in our lives. She doesn't elaborate on her pain but moves the reader forward to life after her awakening to her true immortal self. Kristina provides the reader practical strategies on how we can move to a Wonderstruck life! I highly recommend this book. - Karen