Sometimes your doctor isn't the physician you need.
Have you ever left the doctor's office feeling like something wasn't right? Searching
for answers in all the wrong places? Going from doctor to doctor but the diagnosis
never comes?
Deciding to step out of the box to discover her diagnosis, author Stacey Lucas
stepped into the unknown world of spiritual attacks and sicknesses.
Through a unique journey, she received healing in a miraculous way. While going
through the darkness into the light, she discovered what it takes to be made whole
in spirit, soul, and body.
Although she was Fearlessly Chosen, her healing was not complete.
In Fearlessly Chosen: A Journey Through His Hands To Complete Healing, Stacey
shares how to:
- Use the ME FIRST method to complete healing.
- Find your purpose after your healing.
- Understand spiritual attack and how it causes sickness.
Don't let shame, guilt, or fear open the door for sickness of any kind. You are already
healed. God will bring light to your darkness. You too are Fearlessly Chosen!