The warming of Earth's surface that has occurred since 1880 has been grossly over stated and attributed entirely to carbon dioxide, based on a preposterous assumption. That assumption is: All of the warming of earth's surface temperature during the last 140 years is due to accumulation of carbon dioxide and other minor greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. The level of carbon dioxide has increased from 290 ppm to 411 ppm. That is an increase of 121 ppm, from 0.029% to 0.041% of the atmosphere.
There are other environmental forces which are much stronger, more prevalent, and active in regulating and modulating the earth's surface temperature than carbon dioxide. These forces are, in order of impact: First, The sun; Second; The earth's waters, Third; Heat from the earth's core, Fourth, Atmospheric aerosols, and Fifth, Carbon dioxide and the other minor greenhouse gases.
While carbon dioxide is an extremely important substance in the support of life on this planet its contribution to the greenhouse effect is a "bit part" not a "leading role".
There are three fatally flawed assumptions and six Fatal Flaws at the heart of the Global Warming theory. Each is discussed in this book; the flaws identified and evidence presented. These Flaws originated, when, in forming the "Theory of Global Warming," the contributions of the four most important environmental forces involved in the control of the Earth's surface temperature were assumed to have had no effect on the warming trend.
Because of the single dimension models used in climate research the contributions of these four climate controlling forces are mistakenly credited to climate forcing by carbon dioxide. The remaining two fatal flaws concern carbon dioxide, its roles and fate in nature.
The contents of this work will challenge what most people believe about the global warming theory. Read and contemplate this work and the supporting evidence, then you be the judge.