"The Fatal Flaws of Charismania" is an examination of the teachings within the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. It consists of various categories designed to reveal the doctrinal errors within this perspective. The emphasis throughout is entirely upon the Word of God, never any specific individual.
This work will uncover the drastic inconsistencies in Biblical interpretation which have plagued this movement; resulting in a downward spiral of false teaching and ever worsening heresy in these last days.
This study has been designed to be systematic. In other words, each category which is developed will contain a fatal flaw from the Pentecostal/Charismatic perspective. Each fatal flaw will be interconnected with the other; building into a big picture framework, in order to help the reader understand the true nature and character of Pentecostal/Charismatic doctrine.
The author believes that as this movement has developed and grown, the teachings and practices within it have become more radical and extreme; departing further and further from the historic Christian faith. As a result, Evangelical Christianity has reached a point of spiritual crisis which must be confronted. So to the potential reader, this is precisely what this book is about: "a confrontation of the spiritual crisis facing Christianity today; revealing the falsehoods which have brought us to this point, for the purpose of restoring us to a place of sound doctrinal truth!"
"This is a scholarly, systematic and thoroughly researched topic of a doctrine that is widely embraced on a surface level. Henry Igras has produced a masterpiece and is to be applauded for his courage and wisdom to speak out the truth in love, in his exegesis of the Scriptures. He is truly one who is diligent to present himself approved of God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15). This is a must read for anyone whose ministry intersects with Charismatics and Pentecostals."
- Dr. John Matthew, 30 years of missionary service with Christar
"My experience in the Charismatic movement began soon after I became a Christian on October 22, 1971. I can confidently say that only when I was under sound Biblical teaching did I become grounded and established in the faith; moving away from the erroneous influential emotions of the Charismatic movement. Henry Igras effectively addresses this issue in his treatise regarding Charismania by detailing all of its flaws within the cloud of emotions."
- Kevin Selkregg - Retired Manager: Analytical and Testing Laboratory