Fat Loss Forever is the ultimate guide to lasting weight loss. Tons of books are out there telling you how to lose belly fat, or lose weight, but in the midst of all those flavor of the month fad diets, nobody bothers to explain just how a person who has spent most of their life building fatness habits (poor diet and no exercise), is supposed to suddenly pull a 180 degree turn and instantly be a brand new person with completely opposite patterns of fitness behavior. Small wonder that 98% of those diet fail in the long term! Yours won't. Because in this book, you'll learn not just the basics of a healthy diet plan, and the core concepts of exercise, but most importantly, you'll discover the true science behind effectively shifting your habits from those that make you fat, to those that make you fit. No voodoo, no "The Secret" raz ma taz, just solid neurologically based science that anyone can master and use to lose weight forever. Are you ready to turn your fatness habits into fitness habits, not just for this week, not just for this month... but forever?
What You Will Learn:
-how to lose weight for the long term, which is what fat loss forever is all about. No quick fixes here. The core of the book focuses on the nuts and bolts of behavior modification, and how to demystify the process of changing your fatness habits to fitness habits WITHOUT having to dedicate every microsecond of your existence to weight loss. - the myths behind classic weight loss motivation strategies and how to REALLY stay motivated and on target, for a lifetime, without having to rely on willpower (which isn't even a real thing; we cover the truth about willpower in chapter 3). -The science behind making real change in your life... no woo-woo phony baloney nonsense, this book lays it all out backed by real neurological facts. -how stress complicates the issue, and how to work around it. Most fitness books don't discuss how to lose fat in the context of a busy life full of chaos. This book will show you how you can stick to that healthy diet plan even when it all hits the fan (and we all know it will!). -How to make those new fitness habits so natural, so habitual, that it's practically a reflex to stick to your healthy diet plan.
Who This Book Is For:
-People who are sick of the yo-yo of losing weight, gaining it, and so on, over and over... and who are now ready to make their fat loss forever (not just this week) with a healthy diet plan and exercise program that will actually fit into their lives. Busy men and women who don't have all day to obsess over exercise plans, micro-management of every food particle... in other words, weight loss for people in a hurry!
-Stressed to the limit folks who want to learn how to lose weight without having to drive themselves crazy in the process.
-Those who want to learn the truth behind weight loss motivation techniques and how to maintain their fitness in the long term, not just a quick fix.
Bottom Line:
If you're ready to make your fat loss last forever, if you're done with the yo-yo of fad diets and are ready to learn the secrets of behavior modification so that you can lose weight without stress, even in the face of a crazy, maxed out life (it's why it's called Weight Loss For People In A Hurry), it's time to read this book.