Are You Afraid of Fat?
Or are you a fat-worshipper? Should we eat less fat to protect our hearts? Should we eat a ketogenic diet (or become "fat-adapted")? Is the Weston A. Price foundation right when it says saturated fat is healthy? Should we take fish oil, the most popular supplement in North America, or is it a deadly poison? Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated, hydrogenated-what's the deal with all these fats? Which ones should we eat, and which ones should we give up?
Has Our Fear of Fat Been Misplaced?
Welcome to the fat wars. For the past sixty years, we've been embroiled in a nutrition battle that doesn't seem close to ending. Official groups-like the American Heart Association and the USDA-have taken a stance against fat, telling us it will lead to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, but is this really true? Things have changed a bit in recent years with the paleo diet gaining momentum, but we still have diehards who think fat-free is the way to be. So who's right? Who's wrong? What should you put on your plate? What's the truth about fat? And, for the love of god, what should you be eating?
Does Your Body Want Butter?
In his typical fashion, author Joey Lott digs into the hard facts in Fat from Fiction, going straight to the research on the f word-fat. By the end, you'll know all the ins and outs of vegetable oils, fish oil, saturated fat, low fat, and high fat. Get the scoop on the revered omega 3s and the feared omega 6s. Find out if saturated fat is a sin and if polyunsaturated fats are really our saviors. And last but not least, finally shut up the dietary dictator in your head and get in touch with the greatest health authority around-your own body.
About the Author: From a very young age, Joey Lott experienced intensifying anxiety. For several decades, he lived with restrictive eating disorders, obsessions, compulsions, and an inescapable fear. By the time he was 30 years old, he was physically sick, emotionally volatile, and mentally obsessed with keeping any and all unwanted thoughts and experiences at bay. At this time, Lott was living on a futon mattress in a tiny cabin in the woods. He was so sick that he could barely move. He was deeply depressed and hopeless. All of this, despite doing all the "right" things, such as years of meditation, yoga, various "perfect" diets, clean air and pure water.
Just when things were at their most dire, a crack appeared in the conceptual world that had formerly been mistaken for reality. By peering into this crack to see underneath all of the assumptions that had been unquestioned up to that moment, Lott began a great undoing. The revelation of this undoing is that reality is utterly simple, ever-present, seamless, and indivisible.
Lott's books provide a glimpse into the seamless, simple, and joyous nature of reality, offering a glimpse through the crack in conceptual worlds. Whether writing about the ultimate non-dual nature of reality, eating disorders, stress, disease, or any other subject, he offers the invitation to look at things differently. He challenges us to leave behind the old, out-grown, painful limitations we have used to bind ourselves in suffering, and then, he welcomes you home to the effortless simplicity of yourself as you are.