Rats' Domestication and History:
An explanation of fancy rats' introduction, including their history, domestication, and the reasons they're wonderful pets:
Dating back thousands of years, humans and rats, more especially the species Rattus norvegicus, have a long and complex history together.
These rodents originated in Asia and, via commerce and exploration, progressively made their way around the world to become accustomed to living with humans in urban areas.
Their ability to adapt to many locations and their scavenging habits allowed them to coexist with humans.
Because they are good at keeping pests under control and can be used as food, rats were first domesticated centuries ago.
Recognizing their usefulness, ancient societies like the Romans and Egyptians used them to keep pests out of grain stockpiles and protect themselves.
With time, selective breeding improved their qualities even more, creating unique kinds valued for various attributes like size, temperament, and coat color.
Rats Are a Great Pet Because
Unlike their wild cousins, domesticated rats have many charming characteristics that make them popular pets. They are among the most intelligent rodents, with learning and problem-solving skills comparable to those of dogs.
Due to their high level of intellect, they are able to develop close relationships with their human caretakers and frequently seek out opportunities for play and instruction that will stimulate their minds.
Furthermore, rats are extremely gregarious creatures that thrive in the presence of both people and other rats.
Within their groups, they exhibit sophisticated social behaviors, creating hierarchies and taking part in cooperative activities.