Inner Family-Court model is appropriate to grad students and anyone interested in counseling, coaching, training, personality types and personal-spiritual growth.
The Inner Family topic expands in many directions quickly. Best orientation for students is to start with how the four archetypes of a single family unit correspond with the four classical Greek elements:
Guinever-Mother Earth archetype (pancreas-spleen, sweet taste)
Lancelot-child Fire archetype (liver, warmth, blood)
Merlin-Wise, accepting Grandparent Air+Metal archetype
King Arthur-father water (steam-liquid-ice)
Functional dysfunctional expressions of each archetype are described for navigation purposes.
The intelligence of our Habit Body is here. The book, Your Habit Body, An Owner's Manual, prepares readers for the current topics. Next we learn how in the gut brain, these four archetypes, occupy one of four quadrants of our etheric body, in our gut. Using self-muscle-testing to navigate the Inner Family in our gut, it's possible to see where our habits and comfort zones are running us; and where changes are needed.
With self-muscle-testing of any kind, everyday disturbances can be tracked back to their quadrant of origin, a tremendous advance for those able to do this.
Prior to puberty, we live in and through our gut brain quadrants. After puberty, as adults, our conscious locus of control shifts from gut to head brain. Four archetypes exist in the head. They can be given either Inner Family names; or, names from Arthurian legend, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin, King Arthur.
Each quadrant, in two systems, stores learned behaviors, memories, values, talents and responses to life. Our Habit Body plays back these recorded habits, to the best of its ability, as appropriate and according to maturity attained. Which habits you choose to express, when and how--is your uniqueness.
Q: Are four quadrants visible in our physical anatomy?
A: No, not on any dissecting table. Quadrants are only stable and testable in our etheric body. Our etheric body is most easily accessible by self-muscle-testing.
Q: why do we have two brains?
A: Our task from in-utero, to just before puberty, while we live in theta, is building up self-esteem. The task of adulthood is to define-refine self-concept. These two together equal self-confidence. This is a modern starting place for Etheric Anatomy.
The four quadrants of our etheric body, in our gut and head, appears to be stable, across all genders and races, and for our entire lives. Inner Family+Court makes visible 95% of all behavior patterns and comfort zones for viewing, editing, managing and upgrading. This partial anatomy of our etheric body was begun by Bertrand Babinet's in Babinetics. The present author has practiced since 1987 and with clients since 2001.
Antecedents to the Inner Family include the work of Paul Dennison, Ned Herrmann and Katherine Benziger. These can now be brought together under the umbrella of the Inner Family. This works best within a framework of ecumenical spirituality, often called, "with God as my Partner." The ecumenical spirituality piece contributes adequate-sufficient psychic self-protection when dealing with invisible energies.
All these pieces together, give us adequate and sufficient complexity to model our psyche and personality.
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