When one looks at the morally devastated landscape of the last half-century with it's attendant moral collapse and rising world wide violence, one asks the question. How can we reverse this? To any Christian, and especially any Catholic Christian it is through the power of the Holy Eucharist, Jesus Himself, God Himself in the Holy Eucharist.
We develop this by forming an Eucharistic army and Crusade of Eucharistic soldiers, missionaries and evangelists.
Our procedure in doing this is systematic and fourfold.
The first section is devoted to Eucharistic Education. Eucharistic Education is to explain the who, what and why of Jesus Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. As an experienced Eucharistic Adoration preacher and promoter, I have found that one needs to first educate in the Eucharist before one can be disposed to Adore Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Why? one may ask. Because one cannot love and adore what they do not understand.
The Second section is The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration. The second section builds on the first section as once one is educated in the who, what and why of the Holy Eucharist, then one can understand the importance of Eucharist Adoration.
The Third section: Eucharistic Communion speaks of the affect of Eucharistic education and adoration. The affect of entering into an complete oneness, communion, total identity with the Eucharistic Lord.
The fourth section: The Eucharistic Missionary, reveals the final product. One cannot be an effective missionary of the Holy Eucharist unless one is affected, that is totally interiorizes the love, wisdom and courage of the Eucharistic Lord. Then what one interiorizes, they can exteriorly profess and witness to as an Eucharistic missionary who can change the world with the self-sacrificial Eucharistic love of Jesus Christ. In short, the challenge for Christians and especially Catholic Christians in addressing the world crisis is this. We shall transform the world to the extent we allow ourselves to be transformed by the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist that is the living, incarnate, enfleshed self-sacrificial love and mercy of the God-Man, Jesus Christ.